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Statement by Ms. SHEN Siwei of the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 67th Session of the General Assembly on Agenda Item 67(a, b)& 68: the Elimination of Racism and Right of Peoples to Self-determination

2012-11-05 22:32

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation associates itself with the statement made by Algeria on behalf of the G-77 and China.

Over the years, the United Nations has played a positive role in the elimination of racism. The Durban Declaration and Program of Action and the outcome document of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly have identified the way forward for the global efforts against racism. In spite of the progress achieved by the international community in combating racism, however, there is still a long way to go before racism is totally eliminated. New forms of racism such as islamophobia and xenophobia against immigrants keep cropping up; and acts of inciting racism and religious hatred under the pretext of “freedom of expression” are causing greater harm.

China is always committed to combating racism in all its forms and manifestations and has taken an active part in the international community’s fight against racism. We advocate dialogue and exchanges among civilizations and religions, and their mutual respect and peaceful coexistence. We are opposed to any action that may offend the religious sensitivities of Muslims. China believes that all parties should fully implement the Durban Declaration and Program of Action and the outcome document of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly, enforce a policy of “zero tolerance” towards all forms of racism, and refrain from giving the green light to racism and religious intolerance under the pretext of “freedom of expression”. The international community should join hands in taking practical measures to remove various root causes of racism, and build a more harmonious and inclusive world.

Mr. Chairman,

The right to self-determination played an important role in history and has not lost its relevance today. It served as a forceful weapon in the struggle of the oppressed nations against imperialist and colonialist domination and for national independence and liberation. At present, it remains a sacred principle under which peoples of the world choose their own political and social systems, economic models and paths of development; fight against foreign aggression, interference and control; and safeguard their national sovereignty independence and territorial integrity.

At the same time, there must be a comprehensive and correct interpretation of the principle of national self-determination. Some people use national self-determination as disguise to pursue their ulterior motives and openly advocate the division of sovereign states. Such acts constitute wanton disrespect for the Charter of the United Nations and basic principles of international law, and should therefore be condemned and resolutely opposed by all the people of the world.

Mr. Chairman,

China has consistently supported the just cause of Palestine in regaining its legitimate national rights and realizing its right to self-determination and to independent statehood. We support Palestine’s membership in international organizations including the United Nations. We hope that the international community will have a stronger sense of responsibility and urgency regarding the Middle East Peace Process and work actively to facilitate negotiations in the interest of peace to resolve disputes through political talks, with a view to achieve lasting peace and stability in the Middle East at an early date.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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