On 16th October, a formal meeting of the Fifth Committee of the 75th session of the General Assembly was held to review the agenda item of improving the financial situation. Representatives from regional groups and Member States attended the meeting, widely calling for payment in full and on time. The Deputy Representative of China to the UN, Ambassador. Dai Bing attended and took the floor.
Ambassador. Dai Bing says that finance serves as a foundation of and an important element underpinning UN governance. Sound financial situation is the guarantee for the UN to fulfill its mandates and to implement program activities. Member States should actively fulfill their financial obligations to the UN as set out in the Charter and provide necessary resources to the UN. Despite the dire financial situation of the UN and the Secretary-General’s repeated calls for timely payment, one Member State, with full capacity to pay, still withholds its assessed contributions and leverages them to serve its political agenda, pressing the UN and shifting financial burdens to other Member States. This is the major cause of liquidity crisis. China expresses its serious concern in this regard. At the same time, China commends many Member States who have paid their assessed contributions to support the work of the UN with concrete action despite their difficulties. In spite of the tremendous economic and fiscal pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic, China, as the second largest financial contributor to UN assessed budgets and a responsible developing country, has fully paid its assessed contributions this year. We call upon all Member States, in particular those with the capacity to pay, to pay their assessed contributions in full, on time, and without conditions.