Chinese Mission Participates in UN Women's Guild Annual International Bazaar

2009-04-02 23:00  Print

Chinese Mission Participates in UN Women's Guild Annual International Bazaar


On Thursday, 2 April 2009, the Ladies Group of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations participated in the Annual International Bazaar at the UN headquarters in New York. This event was organized by the United Nations Women's Guild to raise funds for needy children round the world.



  2009年4月2日,中国常驻联合国代表团妇女小组参加了联合国妇女协会(UN Women's Guild)在联合国总部举办的年度义卖活动,为世界各国孤儿院,儿童医院,学校及为残疾儿童提供服务的慈善机构筹集善款.共有30多个国家的常驻团参加了本次活动.张业遂大使夫人陈乃清,刘振民大使夫人尹艾出席开幕剪彩仪式和义卖活动.


VIP participants in the ribbon-cutting ceremony included Mme. Chen Naiqing and Mme. Yin Ai. 


Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony marking the opening of the annual international bazaar.


Ladies and staff at the Chinese table  中国常驻联合国代表团展台及工作人员


Chinese Dim Sum and handicrafts attracting Diplomats and UN staff



Diplomats and UN staff buying handicrafts and dim sum at the Chinese table
