Ambassador Zhang Jun Met with Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly

2020-02-21 07:00  Print

On 21 February, Ambassador Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, met with Permanent Representative of Slovakia Michal Mlynar and Chargé d'affaires of the Permanent Mission of Ghana Daniel Okaiteye, Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the revitalization of the work of the General Assembly. Ambassador Zhang gave congratulations to PRs of Slovakia and Ghana for becoming Co-Chairs of the AHWG. He said that China is willing to work with the Co-Chairs and other countries to promote revitalization of the work of the General Assembly on the basis of upholding multilateralism, prioritizing development, and observing mandates of the UN Charter and the ownership of Member States. Ambassador Mlynar expressed his readiness to maintain close communication with China and work together to reach positive consensus on the revitalization of the General Assembly.