Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
Good Evening.
Welcome to the Permanent Mission of China. And thank you for joining us in celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
On behalf of my colleagues here at the Mission, I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your longstanding support for China’s development and international engagements.
Over the past 75 years, united under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have made remarkable achievements in nation-building and socioeconomic development. This great journey can be characterized by four keywords.
First is diligence. In just 75 years, the Chinese nation has risen from past sufferings, to prosperity and strength. Such historic progress is created by none other than the hard-working Chinese people.
We have always put the people front and center, and found a development path suited to our national conditions. The relentless efforts by the Chinese people have brought about two miracles of our times: one of rapid economic growth and one of enduring social stability.
Second is innovation. As a main driver of the world economy, China has, for many years, contributed over 30% to global economic growth. Such success is largely driven by our commitment to innovation and high-quality development.
This year, China has made continuous progress in lunar and deep space exploration, pushing the boundaries of humanity’s reach well beyond Planet Earth.
In the meantime, here on our planet, facing the emergence of artificial intelligence, China is committed to its safe and inclusive development. We are also making unique contributions to the green transformation of world economy with our new energy vehicles, batteries, and PV industries.
Third is opening-up. China has been constantly advancing the Belt and Road cooperation and making good use of our various platforms to facilitate trade and share development opportunities with the rest of the world. Among major developing countries and major world economies, China is the first to reduce tariff to zero for all goods from Least Developed Countries.
To further attract foreign tourists, China has continuously expanded our visa-free policies. This has sparked worldwide interests in “China Travel”. As a result, the number of foreign tourists entering the country has more than doubled in the first half of this year.
This past July, the Party successfully held the Third Plenary Session of its 20th Central Committee, laying out comprehensive plans for further reforms and opening-up, in order to advance the Chinese modernization. We are confident that China’s modernization in the new era will create new opportunities for the whole world.
China’s door to the outside world, once opened, will not be closed again. It can only be opened even wider.
Fourth is responsibility. Facing the changing global landscape, China stays committed to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and actively participates in the global governance and its reforms.
We uphold fairness and justice and play a constructive role in promoting political settlement of hotspot issues.
We resolutely safeguard the common interests of developing countries, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Global South.
Just last month, at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, President Xi Jinping announced ten partnership actions for modernization that China will work with Africa in the next three years.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
It has been nearly six months since I started my tenure here at the UN. Taking this opportunity, I wish to thank my colleagues in the UN system and fellow Permanent Missions, and all other friends for your valuable support and cooperation.
My experience over the past six months has made me more convinced that in an increasingly complex world, it is imperative to practice true multilateralism; it is imperative to support the UN’s central role in international affairs and global governance. In fact, this has always been an important principle of China’s diplomacy.
To answer the challenges of our times, President Xi Jinping proposed the building of a global community with a shared future, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. Guided by these initiatives, China stands ready to come together with countries around the world under the UN flag, to champion for an equal and orderly multipolar world, and to promote the economic globalization to make it more inclusive and work for all.
In conclusion, please allow me to send my best wishes to my motherland in my mother tongue:
(On behalf of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, I send my best wishes to our beloved country for its 75th birthday. May our great nation enjoy peace and prosperity, and our people happiness, success, and good health!)
Thank you.