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Statement of UK Not on the Same Wavelength with Those of Others

2020-11-23 00:07


Madam President,

It's late now, but sorry, I need to ask for the floor again. Just now the UK representative in his statement made groundless attack against China for the measures taken in Xinjiang for preventing terrorism and radicalization. I have to respond. The UK statement fully exposed the double standard UK pursues on the question of counterterrorism. It is neither responsible nor constructive.

Here I would like to draw the attention of the UK representative to the following three facts.

First, at present, Xinjiang region of China enjoys political stability, economic growth and social harmony. People are leading a happy and secure life. For a long period of time, there has not been a single incident of terrorist actions, and the human rights situation of all ethnicities in Xinjiang has been constantly improved.

Second, during the deliberation at the Third Committee of the 75th session of the GA held on 6 October, representatives of about 50 countries expressed their opposition to the attack against China launched by a certain country, and expressed support for the measures taken by China in Xinjiang.

Third, the joint briefing meeting held by the Council today is to review the work of the three committees and discuss how to enhance communication and coordination among these three bodies in order to jointly implement the relevant Council resolutions and promote international counterterrorism cooperation. The statement by the UK representative is not on the same wavelength with those of the majority countries and is inconsistent with the atmosphere today.

In conclusion, I would like to reaffirm that China opposes any form of terrorism, and we will as always actively participate in and promote international cooperation in counterterrorism and make our own contribution.

I thank you, Madam President.

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