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Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Nordstream Pipeline

2022-09-30 20:29

Mr. President,

I thank the briefings by three briefers.

China is seriously concerned about the recent multiple leaks and powerful underwater explosions on the Nordstream gas pipeline. The Nordstream pipeline is the main artery for energy transportation in Europe, providing vital gas supply to 23 European countries. Physical disruption of the pipeline, as a result of the lakes, has exacerbated the energy supply shortages in Europe. Consumers around the world, particularly those in developing countries, are likely to suffer from the resulting volatility in the energy markets and the soaring energy price. Leaks are still going on, and the impacts on the shipping routes and ecological environment of the waters involved is still playing out. At the time when Europe and the world are facing a proliferation of intractable challenges, this indeed is a great and tragic calamity that we do not wish to see.

Mr. President, 

We note that some countries indicates that the leaks this time are not an accident, but very likely the result of deliberative sabotage. If true, this would constitute an attack on transnational civilian facilities and submarine pipelines, in violation of UNCLOS and other international laws. We also note that all stakeholders agree that an objective, impartial, and professional investigation into the leaks is essential. As the briefers stressed just now, the leaks this time highlight the vulnerability of transnational infrastructure. We are ready to work with all parties to maintain the security of cross-border infrastructure. 

Thank you, Mr. President.

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