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Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the UN Security Council Meeting on the Biosecurity Issue of Ukraine

2022-10-28 11:24

Mr. President,

I wish to thank the Secretariat for its briefing.

Military biological activities are a matter of international peace and security and the common interests of all mankind. As a country that suffered immensely from biological weapons during World War II, China always stands for the complete prohibition and the thorough destruction of all weapons of mass destruction, including biological weapons, and firmly opposes the development, stockpiling, or use of biological and chemical weapons by any country under any circumstances. All states parties should strictly observe the objectives and principles of the Biological Weapons Convention. 

The information and leads about biological military activities released by Russia deserve corresponding response from the party concerned. China calls on the relevant party to take a responsible attitude, effectively fulfill its obligations as a state party to the BWC, and provide comprehensive and in-depth clarifications on issues raised by Russia. At Russia's request, the states parties to the BWC held the formal consultative meeting on this matter in September. It is regrettable that the relevant party failed to answer and clarify fully the questions raised by Russia. The international community could consider invoking Article VI of the Convention to facilitate the solution of the issue. 

The verification mechanism is a necessary means to ensure the authority and effectiveness of the various treaties in the field of disarmament and arms control. The BWC should not be an exception or gap to be filled. China once again calls on all parties to meet each other halfway, take the 9th Review Conference of the Convention at the end of November as an opportunity, during which we can further strengthen the confidence building mechanism, restart at an early date the negotiations on the verification protocol that have been stalled for more than 20 years, and strive for the establishment of a multilateral verification mechanism, so as to effectively strengthen the global biosecurity architecture. 

Mr. President, 

On the Ukraine issue itself, China’s position is consistent and clear. We have always looked forward to an early cessation of hostilities so as to prevent a larger humanitarian crisis from arising. We have always called upon all parties concerned to exercise calm and restraint to avoid further escalation and expansion of the situation. We have always advocated dialogue and negotiation to achieve a political settlement of the crisis. A prolonged, expanded and complicated conflict in Ukraine serves no one's interests. The international community should enhance the heightened sense of urgency, step up mediation efforts, push for an early resumption of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, and accumulate political momentum for peace. China is ready to work with international community and continue to play a constructive role to this end. 

Thank you, Mr. President.

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