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Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Geng Shuang on the Security Council Resolution on the Extension of the Mandate of the 1540 Committee

2022-11-30 22:45

Mr. President,

The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery bears on international peace, security, and stability. For a long time, thanks to the tireless efforts of the international community, the non-proliferation regime keeps improving, and the international process has been advancing deeper. At the same time, we still witness a dire international non-proliferation situation where the risks and challenges of non-state actors acquiring WMDs still exist. The unequal and unreasonable dimensions of the international non-proliferation regime are prominent. The peaceful uses of technology by developing countries are still faced with many constraints.

Resolution 1540, the first Security Council resolution on non-proliferation and a major pillar of the international non-proliferation efforts, is important to strengthening the international non-proliferation system and promoting the international non-proliferation process. Since its founding in 2004, the 1540 Committee has been conducting a lot of effective work according to its mandate and effectively promoting international cooperation. Under current circumstances, it is significant that the Council adopts Resolution 2663 extending the mandate of the 1540 Committee for 10 years. 

Looking to the next 10 years, the Committee should craft the priority of its work, formulate a reasonable program of work, improve efficiency and promote the implementation of relevant resolutions. We would like to propose the following suggestions.

 Firstly, the Committee should adhere to the mandate enshrined in the resolution, conduct its work with a focus on the core purpose of preventing non-state actors from engaging in proliferation activities, and appropriately address the evolving risks of proliferation.

Secondly, the Committee should support Member States in setting priority objectives and areas for implementing the resolution in accordance with their international obligations and specific national circumstances and respect the leading role of Member States in non-proliferation efforts.

Thirdly, the Committee should fully carry out all its responsibilities, increase the input for technical assistance and international cooperation, and effectively help developing countries to strengthen their non-proliferation capacity building.

Fourthly, while effectively addressing the risks of proliferation, the Committee should pay full attention to the right of developing countries to peaceful uses of science and technology without discrimination and the engagement in relevant international cooperation, so as to strike a better balance between security and development.

Non-proliferation is a long-term task for the international community, and the implementation of Resolution 1540 is also a long-term process. We hope that all parties will uphold the common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept, and take the extension of the mandate of the 1540 Committee as an opportunity to jointly promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of Resolution 1540 and strengthen global governance on non-proliferation. China will continue to make its efforts and contributions in this regard.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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