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Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Geng Shuang on the UN Security Council Resolution Extending the Mandate of the 1718 Committee/DPRK Panel of Experts

2023-03-23 17:00

Mr. President,

China just voted in favor of the draft resolution on extending the mandate of the panel of experts of the 1718 Committee. I would like to briefly explain China’s position. 

As a responsible major country and a permanent member of the Security Council, China supports the full, complete, and accurate implementation of the Council’s DPRK-related resolutions and supports the 1718 Committee and the panel of experts in working for the effective implementation of relevant resolutions in strict accordance with their mandates. With this consideration in mind, China voted in favor of this draft resolution on technical rollover. 

At the same time, I would like to point out that the Council’s resolutions on the DPRK clearly provide that sanctions should not have an adverse humanitarian impact on people’s livelihood in the DPRK. It is disconcerting that for some time now, with the compound effects of sanctions, the pandemic, and other factors, the DPRK is increasingly facing a grave humanitarian situation. It warrants the attention of the Council, the Committee, and the panel, and their corresponding actions. On multiple occasions, China has made repeated appeals to this end. During consultations on this draft resolution, we also proposed some constructive ideas for revision.

China notes the efforts of the penholder to address the concerns of the parties, but the main elements of the changes proposed by China are not taken on board, and some of China’s suggestions on the working methods and performance of the panel of experts are also not reflected. We found this to be regrettable. 

China hopes the Committee and a panel of experts will work hard to improve in the aforementioned areas in their future work and effectively address the relevant issues. China stands ready to continue consultations with all parties and make joint efforts to this end. 

Thank you, Mr. President.

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