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Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Safety of Nuclear Facilities in Ukraine

2024-04-15 23:06

Madam President,

I thank Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi for his briefing.

The prolonged crisis in Ukraine poses a serious challenge and a grave threat to the safety and security of Ukrainian nuclear facilities. Recently, there were multiple drone attacks on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and repeated shelling in its surrounding area, pointing to a situation that is deeply worrying.

The impacts of a nuclear accident transcend national borders, and nuclear risks warrant a high level of vigilance. Last May, Director General Grossi proposed the five principles on the safety and security of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and he has been actively using his good offices to promote the safety and security of nuclear facilities. China appreciates all his efforts. We support the IAEA in continuing to play a constructive role in enhancing the safety and security of Ukraine's nuclear facilities. China has also made financial donations to Ukraine's nuclear safety and security technical assistance program. China once again calls on the parties concerned to exercise calm and restraint, adhere to the spirit of humanity, science, communication, and cooperation, strictly comply with the Convention on Nuclear Safety and other relevant international law, strictly observe the bottom line of nuclear safety, refrain from any action that could endanger nuclear facilities, and work resolutely to prevent man-made nuclear accidents.

The safety and security issue of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is one aspect of the Ukraine crisis, whose ultimate resolution depends on the prospects for a political settlement. We call on all parties to uphold the principle of indivisible security, focus on the overarching goal of achieving peace and stability, start engagement without delay, gradually build consensus, and resume peace talks at an early date, so as to create conditions conducive to the proper resolution of relevant issues, including the safety and security of nuclear facilities. China will stay committed to promoting peace and dialogue and will play a constructive role in promoting a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

Thank you, President.

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