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Ambassador DAI's Activities, Speeches
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on ICC Libya
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution Extending the Mandate of UNISFA
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution Extending the Mandate of MINUSCA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMISS
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution Extending the Mandate of UNSMIL
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MINUSCA
Ambassador Dai Bing Exercises the Right to Reply in Response to the Joint Statement Made by 15 Western Countries in the General Discussion of Item 71 Human Rights at the Third Committee of General Assembly at its 79th session
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Interactive Dialogue with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSMIL
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing, Deputy Permanent Representative of China at the Opening of the Main Session of the Fifth Committee of the 79th UN General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Somalia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Combating Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking on the High Seas off Libya’s Coast
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UNAOC Group of Friends High-Level Meeting
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Foreign Ministers' Meeting of Ancient Civilizations Forum
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Sudan
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution on Sanctions against Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council Briefing on Sustaining WPS Commitments in the Context of Accelerated Drawdown of Peace Operations
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on ICC Sudan
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution on Sanctions against the Central African Republic
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSOM
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSMIL
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Arria Formula Meeting on Combating the Rise of Terrorism and Violent Extremism in West Africa and the Sahel
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution on the El Fasher Situation
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNOCA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on ICC Libya
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Abyei
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution Extending the Mandate of UNMISS
Remarks by Amb. Dai Bing at the First Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Friends of Sustainable Transport
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations, at the UN General Assembly Meeting on the Use of Veto
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MONUSCO
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Food Issue in Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the United Nations High Level Event to commemorate the International Day to combat Islamphobia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Open Debate on the Working Methods of the Security Council
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution on Sudan
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution on Sudan PoE
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Food Security Risks in Gaza
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Syria
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Peacebuilding Commission Ambassadorial-level Meeting on São Tomé and Príncipe
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNOWAS
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli Situation
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution on Financing of African Union-Led Peace Support Operations
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSMIL
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNOCA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MONUSCO
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on two UN Security Council Resolutions respectively on sanctions against the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab and on management of weapons and ammunition in Somalia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNITAMS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNISFA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Informal Plenary Consultation with the Deputy Secretary-General on the Resident Coordinator (RC) System Funding Model and the Funding Compact
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Somalia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Great Lakes Region
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSMIL
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Opening of the Main Session of the Fifth Committee of the 78th UN General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Asia Cooperation Dialogue Minister’s Meeting
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing at the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution Renewing the Mandate of UNITAD
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Reception celebrating the successful completion of the Capacity-building Seminars on Cross-border E-commerce, and Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Sudan
Remarks by Amb. Dai Bing at the side event "Promoting the Five Years Action Plan: Mountains as key to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on ICC Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MONUSCO
Remarks by Ambassador DAI Bing at the Launch of the United Nations Joint Appeal for Counter-Terrorism in Africa
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Gulf of Guinea
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MINUSCA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSMIL
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNOCA/LRA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNITAMS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNISFA
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Second Part of the Resumed Session of the Fifth Committee of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly
Remarks by Amb. Dai Bing at the Dialogue with Alvaro Lario, President of International Fund for Agricultural Development
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MONUSCO
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the joint AU – UN high-level meeting on financing for the ATMIS and resourcing for the Somali security transition
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNITAMS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Debate on Security Sector Reform
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution Extending the Mandate of UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing, Chargé d'affaires and Deputy Permanent Representative of Chinese Mission to the UN, at the High-level Event to Commemorate the International Day to Combat Islamophobia
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution on Sudan Sanctions
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMISS
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing on the Organization of Work at the First Part of the Resumed Session of the Fifth Committee of the 77th Session of the General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Syria
Remarks by Chargé d'affaires Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Ukraine
Remarks by Chargé d'affaires Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Somalia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the General Debate of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MINUSCA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Korean Nuclear Issue
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Supplies of Armaments to Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Humanitarian Issue of Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Iraq
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Mali
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Syria
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Yemen
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Colombia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNOWAS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Great Lakes Region
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the Security Council Resolution on the Mandate Renewal of UNSOM
The Overwhelming Majority of the United Nations Member States Oppose the Interference in China's Internal Affairs in the Name of Human Rights
Statement by H.E. Ambassador DAI Bing Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations at the Third Committee of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly on Elimination of Racism, etc.
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNISFA
Ambassador Dai Bing, Charge d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, Exercises the Right to Reply in Response to the Statement Made by the Representative of the United States in the General Discussion of Item 68 Human Rights at the Third Committee of General Assembly at its seventy-seven session
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing, Charge d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, in the General Discussion of Item 68 Human Rights at the Third Committee of General Assembly at its seventy-seven session
Joint Statement on Unilateral Coercive Measures at the Third Committee of the General Assembly at its seventy-seven session
Remarks by Ambassador DAI Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Mali
The Seventh Meeting of the Steering Committee of the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund Successfully Held
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Debate on UN-AU Cooperation
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Interactive Dialogue with Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehris at the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Debate on Climate and Security in Africa
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Side Event of the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations on the Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures on Human Rights
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Debate on Peace and Security in Africa: Strengthening the Fight Against the Financing of Armed Groups and Terrorists Through the Illicit Trafficking of Natural Resources
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNAMI
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Opening of the Main Session of the Fifth Committee of the 77th UN General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Democratic Republic of Congo
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Food Security
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Sudan
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the Adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution on Peacebuilding Financing
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Somalia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Libya
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on ICC Sudan
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution on the Sanctions against the Central African Republic
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Arria-Formula Meeting on Collective Security through Equitable Burden Sharing: Strengthening Regional Arrangements for the Maintenance of International Peace and Security
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Libya
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Meeting of the Member State Advisory Group on Climate Change
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN General Assembly Debate on the Syrian Humanitarian Issue
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the Security Council Resolution on Extending Cross-border Humanitarian Deliveries to Syria
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Yemen
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNOWAS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MONUSCO
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MINUSCA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Cooperation between the UN and the EU
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Debate on the Report of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Central African Region
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking in Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Strengthening Accountability and Justice for Serious Violations of International Law
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Democratic Republic of Congo
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSMIL
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNITAMS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSOM
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNAMI
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Biosecurity Issue of Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Issue of Children and Education in Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Bosnia and Herzegovina
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the High-Level Commemorative Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly to Mark the 40th Anniversary of the Adoption of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Second Part of the Resumed Session of the Fifth Committee of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN General Assembly High-level Meeting on Peacebuilding Financing
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Humanitarian Issue of Syria
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNISFA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNMIK
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Yemen
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MINUSMA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Arria Formula Meeting on Biological Security
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Resolution on the AU Transition Mission in Somalia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Ukraine
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Meeting on UNITAMS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on the Humanitarian Issue of Syria
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNSMIL
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution on Extending the Mandate of UNMISS
Remarks by Amb. Dai Bing at Security Council meeting on UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on on BINUH
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on UNAMI
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the UN Security Council Briefing on MINUSCA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Yemen
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Somalia
Explanation of Voting by Ambassador Dai Bing after Security Council adoption on Sudan sanctions
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the General Debate of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Yemen
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on MINUSMA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on UNOWAS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Syria
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on MONUSCO
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the Security Council Draft Resolution on Extending the Mandate of Somalia Sanction Measures
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the Security Council Draft Resolution on Extending the Mandate of MINUSCA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at High-Level Virtual Side Event on Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Somalia
Remarks by Amb. DAI Bing at the Ministerial Level Side-Event on Libya
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on UNITAMS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Libya
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Ministerial Open Debate on Peacekeeping and UN Transitions
Ambassador Dai Bing: to achieve lasting peace and universal security, it is imperative to uphold true multilateralism and translate it into practice
Ambassador Dai Bing met virtually with UN Assistant Secretary-General Selwin Hart
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Tigray
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Somalia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open Debate on Maritime Security
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Afghanistan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open Debate on UNAMID
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open Debate on the Protection of Humanitarian Space
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Libya
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the HLPF side event held by Russia themed "Low-Emissions Solutions in Energy and Beyond: Partnering with Businesses for a Sustainable Recovery"
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dai Bing: International Community Must Fully Respect the Sovereignty and Ownership of Ethiopia on the Tigray Issue
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Tigray
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on the Central African Republic
Remarks by Amb. DAI Bing at the Security Council meeting on UNMISS
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Mali
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing on Security Council VTC on Sudan
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at Meeting of the Group of Friends of Solidarity for Global Health Security
Remarks Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on Libya
Statement by Ambassador DAI Bing at the Second Resumed Session of the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly on Agenda Item 143: Improving the Financial Situation of the United Nations
Statement by Ambassador DAI Bing on the Organization of Work at the Second Part of the Resumed Session of the Fifth Committee of the 75th Session of the General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on UNISFA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on Great Lakes Region
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on Mali
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on MONUSCO
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing on Security Council VTC on UNSMIL
Ambassador Dai Bing Met with David Shearer, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Virtual High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on CAR
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council VTC on Somalia
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the First Regular Session of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board on UNFPA China Country Programme Document
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Ad Hoc Working Group on Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on Libya
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council VTC on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Follow-up on the Implementation of Resolution 2532 (2020)
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council VTC Briefing on Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Mali
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on the Situation in West Africa and the Sahel
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on Chemical Weapon Issue in Syria
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open Debate "The Promotion and Strengthening of the Rule of Law: Strengthening the Cooperation between the Security Council and the International Court of Justice"
Ambassador Dai Bing Attends the Virtual Event on Antimicrobial Resistance
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Informal Plenary Meeting on the Follow-up to the Declaration on the Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly on Agenda Item 73: Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, including Special Economic Assistance
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Sudan
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Central Africa
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Meeting on UNITAMS
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on MONUSCO
Statement by Ambassador DAI Bing, DPR of China on Review of the Implementation of the Peace and Security Reform at the Main Part of the Fifth Committee During the 75th Session of the GA
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on the G5 Sahel Joint Force
Explanatory Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing on the Security Council Draft Resolution on the Somalia Sanctions Measures
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Open VTC on Libya ICC
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Meeting on Abyei
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on MINUSCA
Ambassador Dai Bing Calls Upon Relative Member States to Pay Assessed Contributions in Full, on Time, and without Conditions
Statement by Ambassador DAI Bing on Agenda Item 142: Programme Planning and Item 141: Proposed Programme Budget for 2021 At the Main Part of the Fifth Committee During the 75th Session of the General Assembly
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the General Debate of the Second Committee of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Annual Ministerial Meeting of Least Developed Countries
Remarks by DPR Ambassador DAI Bing at Security Council Open VTC on UNMISS
Remarks by H.E. Mr. DAI Bing at Security Council Open VTC on UNSMIL and Libya sanctions
Statement by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Meeting on the Situation in Somalia
Statement by Ambassador DAI Bing at the Security Council Meeting on the Situation in Guinea-Bissau
Ambassador Dai Bing Met with President Tijjani Muhammad-Bande of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly
First Deputy Permanent Representative of China to United Nations Ambassador Dai Bing Presented Credentials to UN Secretariat
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