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Statement by Ambassador DAI Bing on Agenda Item 142: Programme Planning and Item 141: Proposed Programme Budget for 2021 At the Main Part of the Fifth Committee During the 75th Session of the General Assembly

2020-10-12 17:51

Mr. Chair,

I thank Secretary-General Guterres for the presentation of the proposed programme plan and programme budget for 2021. Our thanks also go to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee, for introducing the Committee's related report. China associates itself with the statement made by Guyana on behalf of G77 and China on agenda items 142 and 141, and would like to make the following comments and recommendations:

Program plan is a concrete manifestation of the mandates from Member States, hence program planning should always be member states-owned and member states-led. The CPC serves as the main subsidiary organ of the General Assembly and ECOSOC. The functions of the CPC in programming and planning should be strengthened, not weakened in the context of the annual budget on a trial basis. The evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of programmes by Member States should be ensured in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of program activities.

Finance serves as the foundation of and an important element underpinning the UN governance. China upholds the principles of reviewing budget based on evidence and mandates and avoiding the "cutting traps". The programme budget should be maintained at a reasonable level, should not be cut without good reason. Development should be prioritized with adequate and sustainable financial resources. At the same tine, the Secretariat should strictly follow fiscal discipline through implementing comprehensive budgetary performance and internal control. Supervision and management of extra-budgetary resources should also be improved to ensure that the use is transparent, regulated and in line with mandates and regulations of the UN.

Mr. Chair,

The proposed programme plans and programme budget of 2021 impact the overall work of the UN next year. As for the programme plans, the 60th CPC held in June made certain achievements. However, eight programmes, namely disarmament, legal affairs, economic and social affairs, international drug control, crime and terrorism prevention and criminal justice, gender equality and the empowerment of women, human rights, humanitarian assistance and management and support services, are still left without any recommendation. China supports the General Assembly in continuing to review the above eight programmes. As for the programme budget, China believes that the preparation of programme budget should be based on the programme plans endorsed by the General Assembly, and possible PBIs caused by the Covid-19 pandemic should be reviewed, and reasonable adjustments be made to budgetary structure. Several important fields, such as economic development and cooperation, poverty alleviation, connectivity as well as health care, deserve more resources and investments with the aim of supporting developing countries to better respond to the challenge of the pandemic. All parties should take the opportunity of the inaugural year of the Decade of Action to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Mr. Chair,

China is ready to participate in consultations with all parties and we will continue to act in the spirit of unity, cooperation and consensus to jointly uphold the financial discipline of the United Nations, and continue to support the cause of the United Nations and the work of the Secretary-General with concrete actions.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.

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