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Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun at Security Council VTC on Peace and Security in Africa (G5 Sahel)

2020-06-05 11:08

Mr. President,

I thank Under-Secretary-General Mr Lacroix and Foreign Minister Mr Ahmed for their briefings.

As a good friend of African countries, China has been actively supporting the efforts of Sahel countries in maintaining peace, security and stability, and promoting development in the region. We are encouraged to see that the political situation in the Sahel remains generally stable, and commend the efforts of regional countries in this regard. Meanwhile, we also share the concerns of regional countries about the serious security challenges arising from terrorism, transnational organized crime, and inter-communal violence. Having studied carefully the report presented by Secretary General and heard the briefings from the briefers, I wish to share the following points:

First, continued efforts should be made to support political solutions of regional issues. China maintain that the African issues should be solved in an African way, and through African-led and African-own process. We wish international community would continued to respect the political will of the people and the sovereignty of countries in the region, and continue to support the important role of regional organizations including the African Union.

Second, continued efforts should be made to tackle the challenges arising from terrorism and transnational organized crime. We still remember that in March, the Security Council held an open debate and adopted a Presidential Statement on countering terrorism in Africa. We hope the international community could strengthen effective coordination, and increase support and investment in the fight against terrorism in Africa. The G5 Sahel Joint Force has played an important role in maintaining regional peace and security. China supports MINUSMA in providing logistic support to the Joint Force within its mandate, and support strengthening the mandate of MINUSMA with necessary financial support. It is also our view that the the UN agencies should provide more support to Sahel countries on strengthening capacity building in countering terrorism. China has provided 300 million RMB in aid to the counter-terrorism operations in the Sahel and the Joint Force, and will continue to help.

Third, continued efforts should be made to eradicate the root causes of regional instability. Under development is one of the main causes for many issues in the Sahel. We hope international community could provide more support for regional countries to eradicate poverty, and improve health care, education and employment, so that they can achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and Africa's 2063 Agenda more timely and effectively. China is actively assisting regional countries, especially on infrastructure, connectivity and offering scholarships for study in China,etc.

Fourth, the pandemic is still severely affecting the Sahel region and the African continent. It is the strong hope of China that the international community could work closely with African countries in fighting the pandemic, and addressing the negative social and economic impacts. In this regard, our support should not stay as political slogans, but be implemented with concrete actions. We need to support MINUSMA in strengthening its capacity in fighting the pandemic. President Xi Jinping has promised that China will work together with African countries in fighting the pandemic. We have promised to establish a cooperation mechanism for its hospitals to pair up 30 African hospitals, and to make vaccine a global public goods while making sure African and developing countries are among the first to benefit. We hope that with our joint efforts, we will be able to bring hope to the Sahel and to the whole Africa. China will always be a strong supporter of African countries.

I thank you, Mr. President.

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