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Statement by Ambassador Hu Xiaodi, Head of the Chinese Delegation, on Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Security and Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy at the 3rd Session of the PrepCom for the 2005 NPT Review Conference

2004-04-29 00:00

Mr. Chairman,

It is an important objective of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) to promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy and the relevant international cooperation. Enhanced efforts in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy are conducive to fully realizing all the objectives of the NPT, promoting nuclear disarmament and preventing nuclear weapons proliferation.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has long played an important role in promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy and the relevant international cooperation. The Chinese side hopes that the Agency will further strengthen its work in technical cooperation and take effective measures to promote continued development of nuclear power and nuclear technology applications. All Member States, especially the developed ones, should pay enough attention and support to the promotional activities of the Agency, ensure adequate funds and reliable resources for technical cooperation and facilitate the smooth operation of the relevant activities.

It is a realistic and urgent task to strengthen nuclear safety and security and to guard against nuclear terrorism. The International Atomic Energy Agency, as the only inter-governmental international organization in the nuclear field, has extensive experience and expertise. It can play an important role in making recommendations on nuclear safety and security standards and coordinating Member States' participation in the relevant activities.

Mr. Chairman,

Peaceful uses of nuclear energy constitute an important part of China's energy strategy. China's nuclear power industry is developing steadily. In the past two decades, China has built 9 nuclear reactor units. Two more reactor units are under construction and will be put into commercial operation before 2005. By then, the total installed capacity of nuclear power plants in China will amount to 9 million KW and account for 2.3% of total installed capacity for power generation. Nuclear power will be further developed to meet the power demand in China's economic development. It is preliminarily envisioned that by 2020 the total installed capacity of nuclear power in China will reach 32 million KW.

China attaches great importance to and takes an active part in the Agency's activities to promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Since its accession to the IAEA, China has gained much benefit from the Agency's technological assistance and cooperation in nuclear power construction, safety operation and nuclear technology applications. China also has contributed actively to the Agency's technical cooperation activities through donations in cash or in kind.

China supports the Agency to play an active role in strengthening nuclear safety and security and guarding against nuclear terrorism according to the purposes of the Statute of the IAEA. We participate actively in the negotiations to amend the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and support the conclusion of the work at an early date. China appreciates the Agency's efforts in recent years in strengthening international cooperation in nuclear safety, radiological safety, transportation safety and waste management. We note that the Agency is compiling a series of nuclear safety standards and enhancing its application worldwide. China has joined 13 international conventions or agreements in the nuclear field including the Nuclear Safety Convention, and actively participated in the activities organized by the Agency for the implementation of the Nuclear Safety Convention. China took part in the drafting and consultations of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Waste Radiological Management, and has now launched relevant work to join the Convention.

We appreciate the Agency's efforts in strengthening safety and security of radioactive sources. China played an active role in the formulation of the Code of Conduct and Action Plan on Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and has notified the Agency's Director General of its endorsement on this activity.

The Chinese Government also attaches great importance to the international cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. China has in force intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy with 16 countries. Fruitful cooperation has been developed with the relevant countries in the application of nuclear technology in the areas of food, agriculture, medicine and environmental protection. China will double its efforts and expand its exchanges and cooperation in this field with other countries.

Mr. Chairman,

China has presented a working paper to this session of the Preparatory Committee, which systematically details the Chinese position on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. China has also produced a fact sheet in this regard.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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