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Statement by Mr. Ge Songxue Representative of China at UNGA 59th Session on item 92 (b): United Nations University

2004-11-16 00:00

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation reads with satisfaction in the report of the Council of the United Nations University that the University has continued to play its unique role in the last two years in developing networks both inside and outside the UN system to foster academic exchanges focused on topics of concern to the United Nations. This has harnessed collective wisdom and the synergy of diverse disciplines in carrying out analyses, studies, training activities and exchanges on important issues affecting the development of human society. The University has thus contributed to the realization of the major goals of peace, environmental protection and sustainable development.

Mr. Chairman,

China has always supported and cooperated with the United Nations University. The University's International Institute for Software Technology was established with support from China. Some academic institutions of my country have maintained partnerships with the University. We hope these relationships will be further consolidated and continue to develop.

Mr. Chairman,

In the pursuit of peace, development and cooperation, we will frequently be confronted with new challenges and obstacles. The UNU will need to continue making new strides in strengthening interaction with other bodies of the UN system and in making an even greater contribution to the work of the United Nations. At the same time, the University should continue to ensure the efficiency and cost effectiveness of its activities so that its hallmark role will make a greater difference.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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