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Statement by Vice Minister of Health Wang Longde at UN High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS

2006-06-02 00:00

Fulfill Commitments and Act Positively---China implements comprehensive HIV/AIDS Control Measures

Statement by Vice Minister of Health Wang Longde at UN High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS

Mr. President,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon.

Entrusted by the government of the People's Republic of China, I now have the pleasure to attend this High-level Meeting on HIV/AIDS with an active and practical attitude and in the spirit of honesty, responsibility, thrust and cooperation.

The United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS, held here five years ago, passed the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and has played an important role to arouse the global attention on HIV/AIDS and coordinate and improve the global HIV/AIDS prevention and control efforts. In the past three years, the Chinese government has taken a series of comprehensive measures to fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic. By the end of 2005, a working mechanism featuring government leadership, multi-sector cooperation and public participation has taken shape. HIV/AIDS special budget from the central government has increased from RMB 100 million Yuan in 2002 to RMB 800 million Yuan in 2005, and that of local governments has also increased substantially. Free ARV treatment, free prevention of mother to child transmission and free voluntary counseling and free testing services are widely available. Condom use is promoted; Methadone maintenance programs and clean needle exchange programs are accelerated. Public awareness of HIV/AIDS has greatly improved through various media campaigns. Financial assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS and free schooling to HIV/AIDS orphans are gradually carried out. Non-governmental organizations are playing an increasingly important role. The exchange and cooperation with the international community has been markedly strengthened.

However we are also fully aware of the fact that the HIV/AIDS epidemic has not been effectively controlled and China is still faced with many daunting tasks. To meet the challenges of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and being a government highly responsible for public health, we will intensify our work and strengthen prevention and treatment measures to further elevate the HIV/AIDS prevention and care work to a new stage. Our future priorities are as follows:

Firstly, to fully implement the "HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Regulations" and "Action Plan for HIV/AIDS Containment, Prevention and Care in China (2006-2010)". Governments of various levels should establish HIV/AIDS prevention and care responsibility system and incorporate HIV/AIDS control into the local socioeconomic development agenda.

Secondly, to further popularize and disseminate HIV/AIDS knowledge. By 2010, 80% of the urban residents and 75% of the rural residents between 15-49 years of age should know about HIV/AIDS.

Thirdly, to fully implement the "Four Frees and One Care" policy, protect the legitimate rights of people living with HIV/AIDS and fight against social discrimination.

Fourthly, to provide interventions such as condom promotion and methadone maintenance programs to high-risk population. We will try our best to make effective intervention measures available to all high-risk and migrant populations.

Fifthly, to conduct active international cooperation and give full play to the role of non-governmental organizations.

The Chinese government will continue to participate in the international war against HIV/AIDS and fulfill our responsibilities and obligations to make our due contribution to the achievement of global HIV/AIDS control goals.

Thank you!

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