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Statement by Ambassador LIU Zhenmin at Security Council Meeting on Climate Change

2007-04-17 00:00

Mme. President,

Climate change is a major long-standing challenge confronting the world today. The international community is fully aware that climate change will affect national economic and social development and is related to the sustainable development of human society. The importance of addressing climate change is obvious to all. China is therefore ready and willing to discuss with other countries on how to reinforce international cooperation and jointly respond to climate change.

Climate change may have certain security implications, but generally speaking, it is in essence an issue of sustainable development. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has laid down the framework and fundamental principles for the international community to respond to climate change. The Kyoto Protocol has set up targets for developed countries, though limited but measurable, for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Conference of the Parties of UNFCCC, UN Commission on Sustainable Development and UNEP are all involved in the related discussions and actions. To effectively respond to climate change, it is necessary to follow the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" set forth in the UNFCCC, respect the existing organizational arrangement, strengthen cooperation and encourage more actions.

Climate change solutions require concerted endeavor of the international community. Discussing climate change at the Security Council will not help countries in their efforts in mitigation. And it is hard for the Council to assist developing countries affected by climate change to find more effective adaptations. Discussions on climate change should be conducted within the framework that allows participation by all parties. The developing countries believe that the Security Council neither has the expertise in handling climate change, nor is the right decision-making place for extensive participation. It will not help produce widely acceptable proposals. Such concerns expressed by the developing countries should be fully understood and respected. In our view, discussions at this meeting should be regarded as an exception with neither outcome documents nor follow-up actions.

The Chinese Government attaches great importance to climate change. As a developing country, China formulated its national sustainable development strategy as early as 15 years ago, and is now formulating national response strategy for climate change. China will continue to vigorously implement sustainable development strategy, and make its contribution to addressing climate change in its own way. We support conducting full and pragmatic discussions on related issues within the mechanisms of UNFCCC. We are also in favor of international cooperation on clean development. At the end of this month, discussions on climate change will be conducted at the 15th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development. We look forward to working with other countries for climate change solutions.

Thank you, Mme. President.

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