Statement by Mr. Zhou Yong of the Chinese Delegation at the Sixth Committee of the 64th Session of the UN General Assembly

2009-10-15 12:00  Print


Statement by Mr. Zhou Yong

Chinese Delegate

At the Sixth Committee

of the 64th Session of the UN General Assembly

On Item 79

Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its forty-second session

New York, 12 October 2009

Mr. Chairman,

China always attaches great importance to the UNCITRAL and has fully participated in UNCITRAL's work in drafting conventions, model laws and legislative guides. In domestic legislation, China has benefited from UNCITRAL's model laws and legislative guides. We have also made great efforts to raise awareness at home on the achievements of UNCITRAL.

Mr. Chairman,

The agenda items currently under consideration in UNCITRAL clearly demonstrate the large number of emerging issues in today's international trade which require immediate international coordination. The Chinese delegation would like to express its appreciation for the practical and efficient work on those items during this year's annual session and wishes to make three points:

First, the revised version of "The 1994 Model Law on the Procurement of Goods, Construction and Services" drafted by the working group on government procurement is the focus of this year's deliberation. We believes that the revised version, which reflects the new practice of public procurement through electronic means and builds upon the new experience gained from legal reforms that have been carried out on the basis of the Model Law, should be considered and adopted as soon as possible.

Second, take into account various levels of economic development and the diversity of legal systems among different members and observers of UNCITRAL, we suggest that in formulating conventions and model laws, UNCITRAL accommodate the different situations and practical needs of different states and take full consideration of the views of all parties so that its outcomes can enjoy wider recognition and acceptance.

Third, although the conventions and model laws formulated under the auspices of UNCITRAL have played a significant role in international trade, we believe there is still room for more achievements. UNCITRAL may strengthen its efforts to raise awareness and increase the influence of its outcomes by more publicizing and disseminating activities, in particular through approaching and providing technical training to developing states.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.