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Statement by Ambassador LIU Zhenmin, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, at the 2009 United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities

2009-11-09 18:35

New York, 9th November 2009

Madame President,

The Chinese delegation wishes to take this opportunity to announce China’s voluntary contribution to the United Nations funds, programs and agencies in 2010. As a developing country with a strong sense of responsibility, China has all along vigorously supported a greater role played by the United Nations in international affairs, and valued its cooperation with the United Nations development system. Despite the impact of the international economic and financial crisis, China has continued as always, to provide support to the work of the United Nations development system.

Madame President,

In 2010, China will contribute on a voluntary basis a total of 11.48 million US dollars and 5.15 million RMB yuan to the following United Nations funds, programs and agencies:



$4,450,000 US dollars

UNDP local office

2,500,000 RMB yuan


$1,050,000 US dollars

UNFPA local office

300,000 RMB yuan


$1,200,000 US dollars

UNICEF local office

500,000 RMB yuan


$3,000,000 US dollars

WFP local office

400,000 RMB yuan


$710,000 US dollars

UNIDO local office

950,000 RMB yuan


$500,000 US dollars


$120,000 US dollars

UN-Habitat local office

500,000 RMB yuan


$200,000 US dollars