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Statement by Ambassador Wang Min at the 66th Session of UN General Assembly on the Agenda Item "Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"

2011-11-01 03:59

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation welcomes the report of Mr. Yukiya Amano, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, on the work of the Agency.

Over the past year, the Agency has carried out a lot of work in accordance with its statutory mandate. In the aftermath of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident of last March, the Agency has played an important role in notifying accident information to member states and assisting Japan in accident response. In June, the Agency convened the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety with a Ministerial Declaration adopted and international consensus on nuclear safety consolidated. The Agency developed a comprehensive Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, which put forward concrete nuclear safety recommendations.China believes that these efforts made by the Agency are of great importance in improving international nuclear safety and emergency response performance, promoting relevant international cooperation and safeguarding the safe and sustainable development of global nuclear energy.

At the same time, through carrying out its technical cooperation program, the Agency has provided guidance to member states in developing nuclear power projects and promoted the application of nuclear technology in wide areas such as human health, medical service, food and agriculture, and environment protection. The Agency has actively assisted member states in strengthening nuclear security and safety capabilities and provided technical support concerning the safe operating of nuclear power plants. The Agency has continuously made efforts in promoting the universality of comprehensive safeguards agreements and the additional protocol, and earnestly performed its safeguards functions. The Chinese delegation is glad to see that the work of the Agency has gained full recognition and support from its member states.

Mr. Chairman,

Nowadays, nuclear energy is playing an irreplaceable role in safeguarding energy security, promoting economic development and combatting climate change. In the course of our nuclear energy development, China always adheres to the principle of “safety first”. China has established a rather comprehensive legal and standards system on nuclear safety, put in place an independent and effective supervision and regulatory framework, set up a comprehensive emergency response mechanism, and kept a good safety record in general. In order to enhance nuclear safety, China has always supported and actively participated in relevant international and regional exchanges andcooperation, and brought in and applied advanced nuclear power technologies.

China also attaches great importance to nuclear security capacity building, supports and actively participates in relevant international cooperation. China ratified the Amendment to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. Currently, China is working with relevant countries to establish a Center of Excellence on nuclear security in China. China supports the Agency to play a central role on nuclear security and decided to contribute 200,000 USD to its Nuclear Security Fund,for the purpose of enhancing nuclear security capability of the Asia-Pacific Region.

At the same time, China strictly fulfills its safeguards obligations and actively supports the Agency to improve its verification capabilityas well as promote the effectiveness and the universality of international safeguards regime. China supports the Agency to continue carrying out its technical cooperation programme and promoting the nuclear power development and nuclear technology application. In this regard,China is ready to provide necessary assistance to other countries through the Agency by sharing its experience accumulated in developing its own nuclear energy.

Mr. Chairman,

The Agency shoulders important responsibilities in promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy and preventing nuclear proliferation. Facing the new situation after the Fukushima nuclear accident, the Agency should further strengthen its leading role in enhancing global nuclear safety and promoting relevant international cooperation. It is China's hope that the Agency will give priority to the following aspects:

First, further summarizing experiences and lessons of the Fukushima nuclear accident, assisting member states to enhance nuclear safety and emergency response capabilities, promoting the implementation of the Action Plan on Nuclear Safety and, as a result, rebuilding the public confidence in nuclear energy. Second, increasing technical assistance to developing countries, improving newcomer's national nuclear infrastructure and promoting the safe, secure and sustainable development of nuclear energy. Third, strengthening nuclear safeguards regime and effectively preventing nuclear proliferation. Fourth, maintaining an objective and impartial stand on sensitive and hot nuclear issues and playing a constructive role in appropriately resolving these issues through diplomatic efforts.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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