Statement to the Press by Ambassador Wang Min on the situation in the Middle East

2012-12-19 06:00  Print


The Security Council just has held an informal consultations on the situation in the Middle East.

China is always firmly opposed to settlements constructions by Israel in Occupied Palestine territories in East Jerusalem and the West Bank of the Jordan River.China expresses serious concern over the announcement of settlement construction in the E 1 area and Israel's suspension of transfers of tax payments to the Palestinian side.We urge Israel to take effective measures to remove the obstacles to the peace talks, and create necessary conditions for rebuilding of mutual trust and early resumption of peace talks between the Palestinian sand the Israelis.

The Palestinian issue has always been at the core of the Middle East issue.Only when the Palestinian issue is properly addressed can there be lasting peace and stability in the Middle East.China is deeply worried by the long halt of the peace talks between Palestine and Israel.The current circumstances have made it all the more important and urgent to resume the peace talks.

We hope that the parties concerned will resolve their dispute through political negotiations on the basis of relevant UN resolutions,the principle of Land for Peace,the Arab Peace Initiative and the Middle East Peace Roadmap so as to eventually lead to the establishment of an independent state of Palestine and peaceful coexistence between the two states of Palestine and Israel.China supports the endeavor of the Palestinian people to establish, on the basis of the 1967 border; an independent state of Palestine with full sovereignty and with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The international community should take a more active and constructive attitude to promote peace and encourage talks and urge the two sides,especially Israel who is in a stronger position, to adopt concrete measures to remove obstacles to peace talks and rebuild mutual trust so that peace talks could resume at an early date and make substantive progress·

China will continue to play an active and constructive role in promoting a comprehensive and just solution to the Palestinian issue.