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Statement by the Minister Counsellor Wang Hongbo

2013-06-06 21:55

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation appreciates the efforts of UNFPA over the years to implementing the strategy for financing diversification, expand sources of financing and deepen the partnership with other agencies and the private sector.

We are pleased to see that in 2012, UNFPA maintained the momentum of growth of its financing with the total amount reaching $963 million, which is a historical high. At the same time, we have noted that this achievement has failed to reverse the growing imbalance between core and non-core resources. We call on all sides to continue to work to maintain and increase core resources. We also call on the donors that have made commitments to honor their pledges and allocate donated resources at an early date.

My government will support the work of UNFPA as always. For 2013, the Chinese government will donate $1.2 million to the regular resources of UNFPA, which represents an increase of $150,000 over 2012.

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