Statement by Chinese Delegation at the Third Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2015 NPT Review Conference on the Issue of Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and the Nuclear Issues in the Middle East

2014-05-01 22:00  Print


Mr. Chairman,

Preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons is an effective and necessary step towards the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. Maintaining and reinforcing the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, and the eliminating the risks of proliferation of nuclear weapons serve the common interests of international community, and also are our shared responsibilities.

The nuclear proliferation issue has its complicated roots. Under the global nuclear governance framework, all parties should adopt an integrated approach to address both the symptoms and the root causes of the nuclear proliferation, and make efforts in the following aspects:

Firstly, seek universal security and eliminate the root causes of the nuclear proliferation. We should discard zero-sum thinking and cold-war mindset, and create a peaceful and stable international environment. We should fully respect and accommodate the legitimate security concerns of all countries. We should not only pay attention to its own security, but also to collective security and form a community of common destiny.

Secondly, the issue of nuclear nonproliferation should be addressed peacefully through political and diplomatic means. The basic objective of non-proliferation is to eliminate the proliferation risk, and maintain the international and regional peace and security. Therefore, the proliferation concerns should be addressed through dialogue and negotiation by political and diplomatic means. The approaches of resorting to the use or threat of force or making use of non-proliferation to achieve other objectives are not conducive to addressing the problems but making it more complicated. We should all oppose such approaches.

Thirdly, double standards and pragmatism on nuclear non-proliferation issues must be discarded, and the authority of non-proliferation regime should be maintained. All parties should implement NPT obligations completely, faithfully and balanced, and do not judge non-proliferation standards by its own taste. The effectiveness and impartiality of the IAEA safeguards should be enforced. The international community should be alerted to the imbalance between the supply and demand of nuclear material in some country, and take effective measures to rectify this situation.

Fourthly, uphold the multilateralism and realize the full participation and democratic decision-making in the field of non-proliferation. NPT’s status as the cornerstone should be consolidated and strengthened, and the non NPT member states should join the Treaty at an early date as non-nuclear-weapon state. The role of the United Nations and other international organizations and mechanisms should be fully played, and the UN Security Council resolutions 1540 (2004) and 1887 (2009) should be earnestly implemented. The efforts should be given to promote the universality of the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol. The nuclear export control regimes should be enhanced and the efforts by Zangger Committee and Nuclear Suppliers Group in this regard should be supported.

Fifthly, adhere to the principle of impartial and balance and properly address the relations between non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy. Non-proliferation will create a favorable security environment for devoting the nuclear energy to benefit the mankind. In the other hand, the developing of nuclear energy will also be conducive to achieving the non-proliferation objective. The legitimate right of peaceful use of nuclear energy of all states should not be restricted for the excuse of nonproliferation, and the proliferation activities covered by peaceful use of nuclear energy should also be eliminated.

Sixthly, we should earnestly enforce the nuclear security and eliminate the threat of nuclear terrorism. We must follow a rational, coordinated and balanced approach to nuclear security. We should hold the principle of placing equal emphasis on development and security, on rights and obligations, and on independent and collaborative efforts, and build an international nuclear security system featuring fairness and win-win cooperation. All states should improve its own nuclear security capability, maintain the nuclear security, and actively participate in international nuclear security cooperation.

Mr. Chairman,

The establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones is an important step towards the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons. It has great significance in advancing nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation as well as promoting global and regional peace and security.

China believes, all parties should continue to respect and support the efforts of non-nuclear-weapons states in establishing nuclear-free-zones according to their actual situations and through voluntary consultations. At the same time, the nuclear-weapon States should undertake unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or nuclear-weapon-free zones and conclude an international legal instrument in this regard. They should respect the legal status of nuclear-weapon-free zones and sign and ratify the protocols of relevant treaties on nuclear-weaponfree zones. Concrete measures should be taken to implement the security assurances stipulated in all nuclear-weapon-free-zone treaties and relevant protocols.

Mr. Chairman,

The Middle East nuclear issue is a complicated and sensitive problem in the NPT Review Process. Establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones in Middle East will help maintain and strengthen international non-proliferation regime, eliminate the proliferation risk of mass destructive weapons in the Middle East Region, improve region safety, and create political atmosphere with trust and compromise. Therefore, the establishment of Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction is a major part of the global nuclear governance.

To achieve the above objective, all the relevant United Nations General Assembly Resolutions, and relevant provisions of the Final Document of the 2000 and 2010 NPT Review Conferences should be earnestly implemented. China appreciates the facilitator for the conference Ambassador Jaako Laajava’s efforts in convening the conference. Now, all relevant parties should head towards each other and convene the International Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction at an early date.

At the same time, Israel should accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear-weapon State and fulfill its obligations in an earnest manner. The States concerned in this region should sign and ratify Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements with IAEA and be encouraged to sign and ratify the Additional Protocol.

Mr. Chairman,

China firmly opposes to any form of nuclear proliferation, and has strictly fulfilled its international non-proliferation obligations. While focusing on global nuclear governance, China participates actively in the international non-proliferation cooperation in a responsible manner, promotes to consolidate and improve the international non-proliferation regime, and seeks the peaceful resolution of the regional nuclear issues with diplomatic means.

The Iranian nuclear issue is related to the international non-proliferation regime and peace and security in the Middle East. Adopting a comprehensive, long-term and appropriate agreement to address the Iranian nuclear issue through E3+3 and Iran dialogue meets the common interest of all parties and is also the shared expectation of the international community. With a flexible and pragmatic attitude, all relevant parties should accommodate each other’s concerns, properly address their divergence, seek common interests, and create conditions for reaching the final agreement. China will continue to commit itself to the peaceful resolution of the issue through negotiations and play a constructive role in addressing the Iranian nuclear issue at an early date.

As the neighbor of the Korean Peninsula, China has always upholds a objective and impartial position, make efforts to maintaining peace, stability and denuclearization in the Peninsula, and unswervingly stick to the peaceful resolution of Korean Peninsula nuclear issue through dialogue and consultation. The Six-Party Talks remains the effective platform to properly resolve the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue. China will continue to play a positive role to improve the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and to restart the Six-Party Talks at an early date. We, also hope that all parties concerned can make efforts in the same direction with China, keep the overall picture in mind, avoid provoking each other and do more to build mutual trust and move the situation toward relaxation.

China always promotes the global nuclear governance, and supports the international efforts of establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones. China also is the sole nuclear-weapon state undertakes unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.

Together with other nuclear-weapon states, China will sign the Protocol of Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone Treaty very soon. This is an important measure China has taken to implement its neighbouring diplomatic principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, as well as deepening regional cooperation, which full complied with China's firm commitment of maintaining peach, stability and development of Central Asia.

China respects Mongolia's nuclear-weapon-free status. Together with the other four nuclear weapon states, China for the second time issued a joint statement in 2012, reiterating its support for Mongolia's nuclear-weapon-free status and its undertaking to provide security assurance to Mongolia. China will continue to support the efforts of international community of establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones in Middle East and Southeast Asia. China has solved all the remaining issues with the ASEAN States on the Protocol of Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty, and hopes all relevant parties to continue communication and coordination and sign the protocol at an early date.

The Chinese Delegation has submitted a working paper on the Issue of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, nuclear-weapon-free zones and nuclear issues in the Middle East which elaborates China's relevant positions. We hope the elements contained therein will be reflected in the report of this PrepCom.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman