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Statement by Ambassador Liu Jieyi at the Security Council Meeting on the Situation in Ukraine

2014-08-05 10:58

Mr. President,

I wish to thank Mr. Ging of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for his briefing.

Recently, the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has continued to escalate, causing increasing civilian casualties and a dire humanitarian situation, which continues to deteriorate. China is deeply worried about the situation. We hope that the international community will play a constructive role in easing the humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine and that United Nations humanitarian agencies will strictly abide by the principle of neutrality and objectivity.

We now face the urgent task of engaging in political consultations with a view to achieving a ceasefire as soon as possible and engaging in comprehensive dialogue, which is the only way out of the Ukrainian crisis. The parties concerned should remain calm and maintain restraint, respect the Charter of the United Nations, work on the basis of the various initiatives, including the Geneva agreement, step up dialogue and consultation, meet each other half way, respect the role of current dialogue and liaison mechanisms and seek a comprehensive settlement through peaceful means.

A political settlement to the Ukrainian crisis should include the legitimate claims of various areas and ethnic groups and realize a balance of interests. The international community should do more to promote peace and dialogue and should create favourable conditions for the parties concerned to maintain dialogue and engagement and make a constructive effort to achieve political progress in the Ukrainian crisis.

China supports all efforts aimed at easing the tension, resolving the crisis and achieving the proposed political settlement, and will continue to play a constructive role.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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