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Statement by Ambassador WANG Min,Deputy Permanent Representative of China,at the 2015 Annual Session of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board

2015-06-04 10:45

Mr President,

The Chinese delegation supports the statement made by South Africa on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. We hope UNDP attach importance to the concern of the Group of 77 and China, and solve problems properly through strengthening communication and consultation.

China thanks Administrator Helen Clark for her annual report and hopes that UNDP will make further efforts to implement its Strategic Plan 2014-2017 and, with the post-2015 development agenda in mind, help developing countries move towards poverty eradication and all-round, balanced and sustainable development. China would like to highlight the following points:

First, on the Strategic Plan. China commends UNDP’s effort to implement its Strategic Plan 2014-2017 and applauds the positive results achieved. We welcome UNDP’s continued commitment to be guided by the requirements of GA Resolution 67/226 on the QCPR of UN operational activities for development, leverage its advantages to support poverty reduction and sustainable development in developing countries on the basis of full respect for the principle of national ownership and national leadership. We encourage UNDP to give full play to its unique role in coordinating activities within the UN development system to strengthen support for South-South cooperation at both policy and resource levels, while lending further support to the UN Office for South-South Cooperation so that it could fully implement its mandate.

Second, on the issue of funding. The Chinese delegation express concern about further decline in core resources as indicated in the Annual Report of the Administrator. We are of the view that adequate volume and a sound mix of resources are critical to the ability of UNDP to implement the post-2015 development agenda. We hope UNDP will intensify its effort in resource mobilisation and find innovative ways of financing, actively develop new partnerships, improve management and continuously raise the utilisation rate of funds and increase transparency regarding their use. In the same breath, we also call on developed countries to increase total core contributions and improve the flexibility of non-core resources, while honouring their ODA commitments in earnest.

Third, on gender equality. The Chinese delegation has noticed the progress achieved by UNDP in its effort to implement its Strategy for Gender Equality 2014-2017. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women. It is our hope that UNDP will continue to push forward implementing the above strategy at the national, regional and headquarters levels, and strengthen coordination with member states and other UN agencies in the context of the System-wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in a joint endeavour to fully implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. We also hope that UNDP will maintain a proper balance between women's development and the protection of their rights and interests, and focus its attention on problems facing women in poverty eradication, education, health and employment, with a view to steadily improving the life and promoting development of women throughout the world.

Fourth, on evaluation. The Chinese delegation has taken note of UNDP’s Annual Report on Evaluation for 2014. We acknowledge UNDP’s work and achievements in the area of evaluation, and support the Programme in further refining and implementing its evaluation policy with an enhanced feedback mechanism. We encourage UNDP to designed implement evaluation plans with clear targets in mind; call on UNDP to enhance timely communication with member states; and call for the strengthening of the governance of the Independent Evaluation Office in a rational and scientific manner, so that it can work with greater independence and transparency.

Mr President,

Come September, the General Assembly will convene a UN Development Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda which will map out the way forward and set priorities for future cooperation in development. We hope that UNDP will stay focused on poverty reduction, leverage its advantages, give due regard to the varied development needs and challenges of different types of programme countries and provide effective assistance to developing countries as they strive for sustainable development.

China has consistently set great store by its cooperation with UNDP. We appreciate UNDP’s contributions to China’s poverty reduction and balanced development by way of implementing seven country programmes for China. We look forward to the deepening of our bilateral cooperation within the framework of the eighth UNDP country programme for Chinaas part of our joint effort to implement the post-2015 development agenda.

Thank you, Mr President.

Statement by the Chinese Delegationat the 2015 Annual Session of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPSExecutive Boardon the Statement by the Executive Director of UNOPS

1 June 2015 (AM), New York

Mr President,

The Chinese delegation would like to thank UNOPS for its annual report submitted under this agenda item. We thank Executive Director Grete Faremo for her presentation.

The Chinese delegation acknowledges the work and achievements of UNOPS in 2014inthe areas of peace building, humanitarian relief and development. We commend the dedication and professionalism displayed by all the staff of UNOPS engaged in 1,200 projects in over 80 countries. We encourage UNOPS to continue leveraging its strengths and advantages in project management and execution, speed up the response of its emergency operation, maintain financial stability, improve quality of service, strengthen internal control with greater rigour and attach importance to human resources development. It should also continue to increase support to developing countries in their participation in UN project procurement as a way to promote their own development.

The Chinese delegation wishes Executive DirectorFaremo and the UNOPS team under her leadership greater success in their future endeavours.

Thank you, Mr President.

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