Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the Security Council Briefings by Chairs of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council

2022-11-23 17:00  Print

Mr. President,

China thanks the Chairs of the 1267 Committee, the Counter-Terrorism Committee, and the 1540 Committee of the Security Council for their briefings, and thanks Norway, India and Mexico for their extensive work as Chairs of the three committees.In light of the briefings, I would like to make the following points.

First, the 1267 Committee is an important counter-terrorism sanctions mechanism of the UN and the Security Council. Over the past year, the Committee has carried out its work based on the mandate of Security Council Resolution 2610, maintained communication with member states, strengthened communication with regional and sub-regional counter-terrorism mechanisms, regularly reviewed its sanctions lists, selected a new ombudsperson with positive achievements made. The Committee's monitoring team closely tracks terrorist threats and issues reports that provide important references for the work of the Committee and support for global counter-terrorism cooperation, which China commends. China highly values the work of the Committee on listing, exemptions and delisting, and believes that relevant work should be based on solid facts and broad consensus to maintain the authority and effectiveness of the sanctions regime. Committee members should abide by the principle of confidentiality and avoid leaking internal information that would interfere with the work of the Committee.

Second, Counter-Terrorism Committee continues to help member states implement counter-terrorism resolutions of the Security Council through multiple means, including country visits, seminars and exchanges. In light of global counter-terrorism trends and developments, the Committee also steps up information exchanges on preventing exploitation of the Internet and misuse of emerging technologies for terrorism. India, as the Chair of Committee, hosted a Special Meeting this October, which adopted the Delhi Declaration thereby giving impetus to member states’ efforts in better tackling the new counter-terrorism challenges. Now the Counter-Terrorism Committee has a broader mandate, but it should not deviate from its core mandates of combating and preventing terrorism. The Committee should optimize the allocation of resources to focus on key issues and direct its efforts and resources towards supporting Africa and other developing countries in strengthening capacity building. CTED should also provide support to the Committee in the above-mentioned key areas.

Third, Resolution 1540, adopted in 2004, was the first Security Council resolution devoted to non-proliferation and an important pillar of international non-proliferation efforts. China is firmly opposed to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, has always fulfilled in good faith it's international non proliferation obligations, and continuously improved its non-proliferation, export control mechanism and capacity building. China is deeply involved in a comprehensive review of the Resolution and support taking the comprehensive review as an opportunity to improve and strengthen the implementation mechanism of the Resolution. China believes the Committee should continue to uphold the leadership of member states, support developing countries in strengthening non-proliferation capacity building, enhance the relevance and effectiveness of assistant programs, promote communication and cooperation with relevant agencies and organizations and improve the transparency of the implementation of the Resolution and the work of the Committee. Last month, the First Committee of the General Assembly adopted a resolution on promoting international cooperation on peaceful uses in the context of international security, which clearly states that the use of science and technology for peaceful purposes and international cooperation are the inalienable rights of all countries, and that countries should strike a balance between non-proliferation and peaceful uses. This Resolution provides an important reference for the work of the 1540 Committee.

We hope in the next phase, the three committees and other subsidiary bodies will continue to step up efforts in information collection, exchanges and sharing in order to force form synergy together with members of the Security Council. China will continue to actively participate in the work of the three committees, promote international counter-terrorism cooperation, improve the international non-proliferation system and make ongoing contributions to the maintenance of world peace and stability.

Thank you, Mr. President.