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Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution Extending the Mandate of UNMISS

2024-04-29 19:00


As a major troop-contributing country to UNMISS, China has always actively participated in the work of the Mission and stays committed to making greater contributions to the realization of the lasting peace and stability in South Sudan. China supports UNMISS in fulfilling its mandate. However, the draft resolution that has just been voted on puts undue pressure on the Government of South Sudan in many ways, and the arrangements for UNMISS mandate are out of touch with reality, which compelled China to abstain from the vote. I would like to make the following explanations.

First, the draft resolution makes harsh accusations against the Government of South Sudan on issues such as general elections and even judges on the internal affairs of South Sudan, which clearly goes beyond reasonable limits. Having achieved its statehood not long ago, South Sudan lacks experience in organizing general elections. China supports the efforts of UNMISS by taking into account the actual situation and specific needs of the country to provide constructive electoral assistance to South Sudan. In doing so, it should fully respect the sovereignty and ownership of South Sudan and consult with South Sudan fully to avoid imposing external solutions and unrealistic standards.

Second, the primary responsibility for the protection of civilians rests with the country concerned, and peacekeeping missions should not overstep their mandate and overemphasize the use of force. The repeated push by the penholder to give UNMISS an offensive mandate will not only put peacekeepers at risk, but also will ultimately jeopardize the Mission’s cooperation with South Sudan. The principles of consent of the parties, impartiality, and non-use of force except in self-defense or defense of the mandate ARE consensus reached by all parties in the long-term practice of peacekeeping operations. they should be respected rather than overstepped. 

Third, during consultations, China has put forward reasonable amendments on issues such as climate change, human rights, and UNMISS assessment of the protection of civilians. However, the penholder did not listen with care nor took them on board. It placed the draft in blue to vote on even when there were still divergences. We are concerned about such a practice, which is not conducive to promoting consensus or maintaining Council's unity. The penholdership is not a privilege, but a responsibility. The penholder should show inclusiveness, remain objective and impartial, fully listen to the views of the countries concerned, and address the legitimate concerns of all parties.

I thank you, President.

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