Your Excellency Mr. Miguel Moratinos, High Representative of UNAOC,
Excellencies, Colleagues,
It’s my great pleasure to attend this meeting. China appreciates the important work by Mr. Moratinos and UNAOC over the years in advancing dialogue, understanding, and cooperation between civilizations, cultures, and religions.
Throughout the busy High-Level Week, one of the most frequently mentioned words has, undoubtedly, been “challenges”. As the Secretary-General noted, the challenges we face are solvable. In this regard, exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations have so much to offer. In a world where prejudice, discrimination, exclusion, and hatred are on the rise, we need more than ever to champion the equality of all civilizations, embrace diversity, uphold common values, and promote mutual learning and robust people-to-people exchanges. Only by doing so, can we work as one to address the global challenges and create a better future for all.
That is why we highly value the key role played by the Alliance, and applaud its diligent work in promote dialogue among civilizations, cultures, and religions and implementing people-to-people exchange programs in the areas of education, youth, migration, media, and women. High Representative Mr. Moratinos has been vigorously advocating diversity, equality, and inclusion. Such important efforts have helped promote mutual understanding, reduce tensions, and create space for cooperative opportunities for different civilizations, cultures, and peoples, thus serving the proposes of the UN Charter and reinforcing the UN’s efforts in addressing common challenges.
Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the launching of the Alliance. This will not only be a milestone to celebrate past achievements, but also a great opportunity to further develop the Alliance. We thank Portugal for hosting the upcoming 10th UNAOC Global Forum and the presentation on its preparatory process. China will actively take part in the Global Forum, and we stand ready to work with all parties to make it a success. China also welcomes other opportunities next year to promote the role of the Alliance within the UN system.
China has always been a strong advocate and promoter of mutual learning and exchanges among civilizations. In March last year, President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Civilization Initiative, making a sincere appeal to the world for in-depth exchanges and mutual understanding among civilizations for the progress of human society. In June, the General Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution proposed by a cross-regional group including China to designate June 10 as the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations. In March, China co-sponsored the General Assembly resolution on concrete measures to fight Islamophobia. China is proud of its partnership with the Alliance. And we will continue to support its important work under the leadership of Mr. Moratinos.
I thank you.