I thank the UNHCR and the IOM for their briefings.
The irregular migration has persisted for years in the Mediterranean Sea and constitutes a common challenge to regional states. In 2015, the Security Council adopted Resolution 2240, which authorizes regional states and organizations to target vessels involved in migrant smuggling and human trafficking for inspection and disposal and to combat networks of irregular migration. Recent years have seen some efforts by various parties in this regard. However, it should be noted that the problem of irregular migration in the Mediterranean remains complex and grave. According to the IOM, since September last year, more than 1,000 people have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean Sea in the course of smuggling. Tragedies such as capsizing and drowning have continued unabated. This situation requires continued international attention.
China notes that from today onwards, the relevant authorization in the Security Council Resolution 2240 will expire. However, the illegal trafficking of migrants still runs rampant. The end of the authorization in the resolution does not mean the end of regional cooperation in combating the smuggling of migrants. Countries of origin, transit, and destination of migrants should continue to uphold the principle of shared responsibilities and deepen their cooperation in intelligence sharing, joint law enforcement, maritime surveillance and rescue, and combating criminal financial networks on smuggling, so as to jointly mitigate the impact of illegal migration on regional stability and development. Europe and other developed countries should continue to provide Libya and other relevant countries with equipment, logistics, and financial support to help them strengthen their capacity to effectively combat smuggling of migrants and human trafficking.
In this process, all parties should place human rights protection at the center of the fight against illegal migration. All countries should fulfill their obligations under international human rights law and international refugee law, respect the principles of prohibition of collective expulsion and non-refoulement, and ensure that all migrants and refugees have equal access to basic livelihood, health services, and education, with a view to effectively fulfilling their commitments to the protection of human rights.
The causes of irregular migration at high seas of the coast of Libya are complex, with extreme poverty, social unrest, armed conflict, and other issues being major contributing factors. This issue cannot be effectively addressed through forced interception and deportation alone. Only by enabling people to live and work in peace can the root causes driving irregular migration be eliminated. We call on developed countries to increase support and assistance to the countries of origin of refugees to help them develop economies and improve people’s livelihood. The wanton external military intervention by some countries has resulted in protracted instability in countries such as Libya and Syria, and given rise to terrorism in the Sahel region. They are the ones who unleash the problem of irregular migration in the first place, should shoulder responsibilities for the past, and more importantly, for the present.
In September this year, leaders of China and African countries successfully held the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, where the Beijing Action Plan was adopted, in which both sides pledge to strengthen cooperation in combating irregular migration and human trafficking on the African continent, China will continue to provide constructive support to Africa in addressing illegal migration and contribute to the stability and development of the region.
Thank you, President.