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Statement by the Chinese Delegation at the Thematic Discussion on Disarmament Machinery at the First Committee of the 70th Session of the UNGA

2015-10-29 10:52

Mr. Chairman,

In the recent years, the international community is increasingly concerned about the lack of substantive progress in the CD and the UNDC. The root cause of the current stalemate in the multilateral disarmament machinery lies firstly in political factors rather than the machinery itself or its rules of procedure. The profound and complex change of international security landscape, and more importantly, double-standards and the erroneous doctrine for pursuit of absolute security are the main obstacles blocking progress in the CD and the UNDC.

Mr. Chairman,

Under the new circumstance, we should make efforts to find feasible solutions to revitalize the existing multilateral disarmament machinery, in the principle of inheritance and innovation. That’s to say we have to be innovative on the basis of preserving the past achievements and ensuring the continuity of the existing machinery.

Inheritance means that all parties should upheld the authority and credibility of multilateral disarmament machinery in a responsible manner, so as to give their role a full play in promotion of international peace and security.

Firstly, all parties should demonstrate adequate political will in support of the multilateral disarmament machinery, with a view to bridging gaps and finding common ground through consultations on the basis of equality and mutual respect. We should work hard for solutions acceptable to all, so that both the CD and the UNDC could start their substantive work at an early date.

Secondly, the principle of consensus should be preserved. As the core of rules of procedures of the CD and the UNDC, consensus is institutional guarantee for realization of universal, equal and common security through multilateral disarmament. History showed that the principle of consensus can make sure that the relevant negotiations be concluded in an orderly manner and achieve more effective and universal outcomes.

Innovation means that in light of the new situation, we should keep a breast of the changing times and think out of box in exploration for new path to overcome the deadlock.

Firstly, the agenda items of disarmament should be updated. On the one hand, the traditional disarmament agenda items mandated by the SSOD I still remain relevant; On the other hand, the development of science and technology and military revolution are having profound impact on global strategic balance and stability as well as the arms control process. Therefore, it is not desirable to rigidly stick to the agenda items established over 30 years ago. To seek piecemeal solutions outside the existing machinery is not the right way forward.

Secondly, the membership enlargement should be considered. Today, multi-polarization and democratization of international relation have become the main feature of the contemporary world. The lack of broad representation and inclusiveness is indeed a drawback of the CD. The status quo is not conclucive to the authority of the CD. We call on the member states to attach importance to this issue and tackle it properly.

Mr. Chairman,

China align itself with the joint statement in support of the CD made by Russia Federation on behalf of like-minded countries. China welcomes progress made in the work of CD, including the re-establishment Informal Working Group on program of work and the in-depth and comprehensive discussions on the four core agenda items according to the schedule of activities. We hope that all parties value these positive developments and work hard for an early start of substantive work in CD on the basis of a comprehensive and balanced program of work.

China commends and supports Kazakhstan and Morocco, the Chairman of working groups of the UNDC, in their constructive efforts to revitalize the work of the UNDC. We hope that each party take a rational and practical attitude toward the status and the role of UNDC, and conduct work in a positive and pragmatic manner, so as to make positive progress in this round of review.

China, together with other parties, will continue to work for revitalization of the current multilateral disarmament machinery under the framework of the United Nations.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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