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2002-08-25 00:00


-- China believes that the UN should and can continue to play a primary and unique role in the maintenance of world peace and promotion of global cooperation in the changed international situation. All Member States have responsibility for strengthening the UN role. At the same time, further devotion and integrated efforts are needed by the UN to meet the challenges and opportunities brought by the globalization process and achieve peace and common development.

-- The focus of the enhancement of the UN role should be on:
-- Adhering to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter;
-- Maintaining and enhancing the authority of the Security Council;
-- Increasing the UN's input in development and poverty elimination;
-- Promoting democratic decision-making in the UN;
-- Implementing the Millennium Declaration.


-- China continues to support the effort to reform the UN system with the aim to a stronger and more effective organization. China believes that all Member States should be involved in the reform process and their views and interests should be taken into consideration.  

-- We are convinced that the UN reform should preserve the diversity in the United Nations and stress practical results and progress in a step-by-step manner. China emphasizes that the UN reform should pay more attention to issues of development with a view to strengthening rather than weakening UN's role in the promotion of economic and social development.

-- China supports appropriate and necessary reform of the Security Council and believes that the reform should follow the principle of equal geographical distribution while giving priority to enhancing representation of the developing countries. As the reform of the Security Council involves major concerns and vital interests of all parties, it is necessary to hold extensive and patient deliberations, take full account of the concerns of various parties and strive to reach a broad consensus so as to ensure the success of reform.

-- China encourages the appropriate measures taken to improve the SC's working method, increase transparency of its work and ensure full consideration of views and suggestions from non-SC-members. However, what's important is that efficiency of the work in the SC and its authority should not be affected.


-- China believes that a strong and stable financial basis is the precondition for a strengthened role of the UN. Hence, all Member States should honor their financial obligations towards the UN in good faith. The new scales of assessments for the regular budget and for peacekeeping must be implemented comprehensively, rigorously and effectively. The question of the arrears is also one of our concerns, and we underline the importance for all assessed contributions to be paid on time, in full and without conditions.

-- China holds that the UN program budget should be prepared on the basis of making available the adequate resources for the mandated programs and activities. Both the priority setting and the distribution of resources must be in conformity with the interests and requirements of the general membership and be decided by them on the basis of full consultations. While the UN should try to strike a balance in its distribution of resources to peacekeeping and development, it should also take more effective measures to ensure that priority programs relating to the economic development of the developing countries will receive the due attention as well as adequate funding.


-- China is of the view that measures should be taken to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the UN peacekeeping operations.

-- China supports the Secretariat to adjust and improve Standby Arrangement System (UNSAS) in accordance with changes of the situation and to enhance the rapid deployment capability of peacekeeping operations.

-- China also supports the reform of the DPKO of the Secretariat through the increase of human resources as well as structural adjustment and optimization. In this process, DPKO should communicate closely and timely with Member States concerning the progress. With regard to recruiting process, the Secretariat should make an earnest effort to increase transparency, observe the principle of equitable geographical distribution and take into special account the concerns of those Member States unrepresented and underrepresented in relevant departments.

-- China will undertake further efforts to make contribution to the UN peacekeeping operations.



-- Economic globalization has had increasingly negative impact on many developing countries, and the gap between the South and the North has been further widened, which not only affects the economic growth of developing countries, but also the peace and stability of the world. Under such circumstances, the international community, especially the developed countries should facilitate the developing countries to participate fully in the process of globalization in order to narrow the South-North gap and bring about common development. The UN should play a key role in this regard.


-- China attaches great importance to the implementation of the Millennium Declaration and the international development targets.

-- China believes that at present, the pace of the follow-up to the Millennium Summit falls very much short of the requirements of the various goals in the Millennium Declaration. The UN should formulate concrete, feasible implementing plans and methods with clear time frames in accordance with the specific realities and actual requirements of developing countries to realize these goals and objectives.

-- All Member States should forge ahead towards the Millennium goals by formulating and implementing their own strategy for development. In this regard, countries could exchange experience on regular basis and learn from each other. At the same time, it should be noted that many developing countries, struck by poverty and underdevelopment and constrained by unfavorable external conditions, are not able to realize development on their own. The UN should strive to create sound macro-environment, focus on assisting developing countries in tackling problems of lack of financial resources, technology and capacity.

-- Official Development Aids (ODA) plays an irreplaceable role in supporting the economic development and social progress of developing countries and should be increased in real term. Trade is pivotal to economic growth; the UN should pay close attention to the new round of multilateral trade negotiation of WTO and play an active role in making the issue of development a priority at the new round of the negotiation.    


-- The World Summit on Sustainable Development conducted comprehensive discussion on economic development, social progress and environmental protection, and worked out action-oriented document that is of great significance to sustainable global development. China believes, governments, non-governmental and international organizations should move forward for the effective implementation in accordance with the road map drawn up at the meeting.

-- For the purpose of developing economy and protecting environment, all countries need to formulate suitable policies in accordance with their own national conditions, bring the initiatives of various circles of society into full play, and take full advantage of the market in order to guarantee the implementation of the development strategy. It is our view that all governments should continue to play a leading role in developing vigorous public/private partnership and pushing forward sustainable development with concerted efforts by cooperating fully with people from all walks and tapping the potential of enterprises.


-- The International Conference on Financing for Development at Monterrey (ICFFD) has reached much consensus on promoting development by mobilizing various financial recourses. Relevant consensus and commitment should be conscientiously implemented. We hold that Bretton Woods Institutions and all other development partners should play due role in the follow-up of ICFFD.

-- Special Session of the UN Assembly on Children has set goals for the future of the children in the world. The five-year review meeting of Food Summit has worked out a new working plan and made a positive achievement. Countries concerned should cooperate closely with international organizations in implementing in earnest of the documents of the above meetings.

-- We welcome active steps taken by the UN in information technology. We believe that UN should further explore the ways of popularizing information technology and help developing countries build their capacities in order to narrow "digital divide".

-- China supports the implementation of assistance to the least developed countries in accordance with the consensus reached at the Third UN Conference on Least Developed Countries.


-- Terrorism is a common scourge to the international community and poses severe and imminent threat to world peace and stability. No matter when, where or in what form terrorism strikes, and no matter against whom it is directed, it should be met with condemnation and counterstrikes by the international community taking a unified position thereon.

-- The UN and SC can play a leading role in the international efforts against terrorism. Strikes against terrorism should be consistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and other universally recognized norms of international law and should serve the long-term interests of peace in the region and the world at large.

-- China holds that terrorism is a tiny fringe of extreme evil, representing neither any ethnic group nor any religion. They must not be lumped together.

-- It is necessary to adopt a combination of political, diplomatic, economic, social and other measures to root out causes of terrorism. The elimination of poverty is very important in this regard. The issue of development should not be overshadowed by the fight against terrorism.  

-- China is also a victim of terrorism. The "Eastern Turkestan"  terrorist forces are trained, equipped and financed by international terrorist organizations. The fight against the "Eastern Turkestan" terrorism groups is also an important aspect of the international compaign against terrorism.

-- China has supported and actively participated in the elaboration of the Draft International Convention on the International Terrorism and the Draft International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. We hope that all sides could continue their consultations on the remaining issues of the two draft conventions with cooperative and constructive attitude so as to adopt the two drafts an early date.  



-- China continues to support the process of peace and rehabilitation in Afghanistan. We lay great emphasis on that the assistance by the international community to help Afghanistan needs to be on a continuous pace. China has spared no efforts in helping Afghanistan with its reconstruction and rehabilitation on the basis of our best ability.

-- To ensure the most effective outcome, we believe that the United Nations can and should continue to provide international coordination service among the various parties and agencies in addressing the Afghanistan problem. We support the important role played by UN Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA).

-- We hope that all the pledged donation and assistance can be delivered to the Afghan Transitional Authority as soon as possible.  


-- The conflicts in Africa have impeded both economic and social development of those conflicted countries. Last year saw the most conflicts brought to certain control while the others continuous yet, which shows that the United Nations and the international community yielded already progress in helping achieve the peace and stability in the region. Hence, the efforts need to be further strengthened in this regard.

-- We commend the African parties concerned upon their endeavors towards relaxation and elimination of conflicts and achievements of stability in the region.

-- We welcome the new achievement of the peace and development process in Africa. We highly commend the establishment of the African Union, which is the historic step towards the solidarity and renaissance of Africa. We believe the United Nations can help build a more stable, prosperous and thriving Africa by increasing its support.

-- As one of the Permanent Members of the Security Council, China has done its best in fulfilling the responsibility of "Maintaining Peace and Stability of the World", and will continue to contribute to the resolution of conflicts in Africa.


-- Iraq should faithfully implement relevant resolutions of the Security Council and resume its cooperation with the UN. Iraq's sovereignty, territorial integrity and security concerns should be respected. The Security Council should have an objective evaluation of the Iraq's implementation and on this basis ease and finally lift the sanction accordingly. Concrete measures should be taken to improve the humanitarian situations in Iraq.

-- UN plays an important role in helping bring about the settlement of the Iraqi issue. China welcomes the dialogues between the UN Secretary General and Iraqi Foreign Minister, supports such dialogues to be continued and hopes to see an early progress.


-- China attaches great importance to the issues regarding Middle East. We strongly and unequivocally condemn any violent activities targeting innocent civilians. Violence for violence is no way out.

-- China calls upon the Government of Israel, the Palestinian Authority and all States concerned to make joint efforts to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, based on the relevant UN resolutions and the principle of land for peace.

-- International community should make more efforts to aid the two parties in resuming a political dialogue in order to reach a solution to the core political question. China is willing to make its contribution in this course.


-- China believes that non-weaponization of outer space and prevention of an arms race in outer space (PAROS) should be the priority on current multilateral arms control and disarmament agenda. It is necessary for the Conference of Disarmament to work out a comprehensive and balanced working program, including the re-establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee on PAROS to conduct substantive work with a view to negotiating relevant international legal instruments.  

-- China has always been advocating the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. While welcoming the signing of "Strategic Offensive Reduction Treaty" between the US and Russia, China maintains that countries with the largest nuclear arsenals bear special and primary responsibilities for nuclear disarmament. Such countries should continue to reduce their nuclear arsenals drastically and irreversibly, thus creating favorable conditions for further promotion of the nuclear disarmament process.

-- China supports the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and urges all states that have not yet done so to sign and ratify the treaty. We deem it critical for countries concerned to maintain the moratorium on nuclear test before the entry into force of the treaty.

-- China always supports the early negotiation and conclusion of a treaty banning the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons, which will be conducive to nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. China hopes that the Conference on Disarmament will conclude a comprehensive and balanced working program at an early date, thus commencing the negotiation of the treaty.

-- China is firmly opposed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in any form.  China views the NPT as the cornerstone of the international nonproliferation regime. We are in favor of preserving the treaty's authority, enhancing its universality and promoting its implementation and review process. At present, the prevention of nuclear terror is of realistic significance. China supports the international community in adopting necessary measures to counter nuclear terrorism.

-- China has all along advocated the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of biological and chemical weapons, and has always been opposed to the proliferation of such weapons. China is devoted to the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. China will, along with the international community, continue to make contributions to the process of strengthening the effectiveness of the Biological Weapons Convention within multilateral framework.

-- China is firmly opposed to the proliferation of the delivery means of weapons of mass destruction. China supports the United Nations in playing an active and important role in addressing the issue of missiles in all its aspects. A fair, reasonable, effective and non-discriminatory multilateral missile non-proliferation regime should be established with universal participation.

-- China attaches importance to the significant role of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) in addressing the humanitarian concerns arising from wars and armed conflicts. China supports and actively participates in the work of the CCW Group of the Governmental Experts (GGE).  We are ready to join efforts with other countries to achieve progress in GGE's work.



-- We emphasize that drug control is a common cause of humankind and international cooperation in this aspect should be carried out by the principle of "International Solidarity and Burden Sharing". Developed countries should provide financial and technical assistance to the developing countries to combat drugs. Mutual respect for sovereignty and non-interference in each other's internal affairs should be firmly adhered to. Politicization of drug control issues should be avoided.

-- China strongly supports and takes an active part in international drug control cooperation. As a member of many regional and sub-regional drug control mechanisms, China will continue to contribute to the development of international drug control cooperation.


-- China holds that the efficient solution to illegal migration needs common efforts of all countries in the world. The international community should strengthen cooperation and work together to establish a new and just international political and economic order for the elimination of the root cause of illegal migration. At the same time, regular and orderly migratory flows should also be ensured.

-- China welcomes the developed countries to provide the developing countries with technical and financial assistance, enhancing their ability to fight against illegal migration. However, the principle of non-politicization must be adhered to and the roles of international organizations including the United Nations should be brought into full play.


-- China maintains that all countries, developed or developing, are obligated to make continuous efforts to promote and protect human rights. In this process, countries should observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, follow the principle of universality established in the international human rights instruments, and take full account of the social reality of the country.

-- China upholds human rights dialogue and cooperation as an effort to enhance mutual understanding and narrow differences between countries, and is opposed to confrontation or politicizing of human rights issues.

-- In that spirit, China supports the effort of the UN to promote dialogue between countries and civilizations and is actively engaged in bilateral dialogue and exchanges with other countries and relevant UN bodies.  

-- China will actively participate in the Third Committee of the GA and sincerely engage in efforts to redress the imbalance between economic, social, cultural rights and civil, political rights. China will also follow closely the discussions on the right to development, human rights and cultural diversity, and the follow-up to World Conference Against Racism.
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