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Statement by Mr. QI Dahai, Chinese Delegate, at the Sixth Committee of the 58th Session of the UN General Assembly, on Item 156: Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism

2003-10-15 20:00

New York, 15 October 2003

Mr. Chairman,

Since the 1960s, with growing consensus on preventing and combating international terrorism, the international community has formulated 12 international instruments on terrorism, thus creating an initial legal framework in this regard. In the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attacks, countries have come to realize that terrorism is the new threat to international peace and security. As combating terrorism has acquired increasing importance and urgency, it has become the common belief among States that enhancing the cooperation in combating terrorism by the international community is inevitable. Like others, China wishes to see the United Nations play a leading role in the fight against terrorism and supports the strengthening of the international cooperation to combat terrorism.

The Chinese Government has always opposed and condemned international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. We are against the use of terror as a means to achieve any political or other goals, and any acts of terror conducted by any country, organization, group and individual. At the same time, we have also been of the view that the fight against terrorism should be conducted in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and other established rules of international law. On this basis, strengthening inter-state cooperation and formulating and improving international legal measures against international terrorism are the most effective and viable way to deal with terrorist activities.

The Chinese government has consistently supported and actively taken part in the work of the 6th committee to elaborate international conventions against terrorism. Of the existing 12 international instruments on terrorism, China has become party to 10 and signed 1. The Chinese government is ready to continue to work with the rest of the international community to strengthen the international legal framework against terrorism.

The draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism proposed by India and the draft International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism submitted by Russia, if concluded, will form an important part of the international legal framework against terrorism. The Chinese delegation supports the elaboration of these two draft conventions. In addition, my delegation endorses the motion by the Egyptian delegation concerning the question of convening a high-level conference under the auspices of the UN on fighting terrorism and believes that the proposed high-level conference should be adequately prepared and should have a substantive agenda.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


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