Statement by Ms. Yan Jiarong of the Chinese Delegation At the 4th Committee of the 60th GA Session On Questions Relating to Information |
2005-10-13 00:00 |
Mr. Chairman, The Chinese Delegation wishes to thank Under Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor for his informative presentation. The Chinese delegation also supports the statement made by the representative of Jamaica on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. A month ago, heads of state and government from over 150 countries gathered here in New York. Everyone's eye was on the United Nations. As we know, wherever there are top leaders, there is media, and there is lots of work. As many as over 3,500 correspondents were accredited to cover the summit. We very much appreciate that in order to better prepare the event, the Department of Public Information (DPI) held a number of outreach activities and press conferences, including briefings for journalists and editorial writers as well as for us the press officers. We are also satisfied with the professionalism demonstrated by DPI in providing media arrangements and services to the journalists from different parts of the world during the summit, the 2nd World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments and the general debate of the 60th GA session. Now we believe that the focus of UN public information should turn to publicizing the consensus of the summit, and accelerating the implementation of the outcome document. China is in favor of giving top priority to development in implementing the outcome document, so as to meet, as much as possible, the special needs of developing countries and especially African countries. We hope that DPI will continue to focus on development and Africa, and guide and mobilize world opinions to this end. Mr. Chairman, As was pointed out by Secretary-General Kofi Annan in his address to the 2005 World Summit, "We must restore confidence in the organization's integrity, impartiality and ability to deliver". The core issue of UN information policy is how to better publicize UN objectives and roles, and establish and maintain a positive image of the Organization. The DPI has an indispensable role to play in this regard. The DPI has already completed its three-year reorientation process in the first half of this year. We look forward to its reinforced efforts to improve coordination within the UN system in terms of policy, strategy and resources, so that DPI will become a more powerful public voice for the UN. We have noted that Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Under Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor have published a number of articles on Washington Times, Financial Times and other newspapers and magazines, which served very well to state and clarify relevant UN positions. We encourage the Secretariat to build on this approach and to tell UN stories through most effective means, including press conferences, interviews, published articles, exhibitions, short TV documentaries and materials containing vivid images and words. Another good way to spread information on our Organization is to have closer links with non-governmental organizations, and with public and private sectors. Currently, the DPI holds briefings almost every week for NGOs, as well as annual orientation program and other workshops for newly associated NGOs. Such efforts have been warmly received by the NGOs. However, due to lack of funds, many NGOs from developing countries have been unable to be part of the above activities. We hope that the UN will use mailing, Internet and other means to strengthen communication with NGOs of developing countries, so that they can take a more active and substantive part in UN affairs. UN Radio and website are important sources for information on UN affairs. We are in favor of reinforcing their multilingualism capacity. We hope that the departments concerned will take further steps to increase financial and human resources to allow all official UN languages to acquire full and equal usage. UN information centers in different countries have been instrumental in transmitting the message of UN and mobilizing public support to UN activities. We hope to see a more influential and effective network of UN information centers. On the question of rationalization of information centers, we are convinced that it is necessary to conduct more consultations with the relevant Member States, taking full into account the specific conditions of different regions. The 27th session of the Information Committee earlier this year witnessed heated debates on questions such as the rationalization. Thanks to hard work and rounds of consultations by all parties, consensus was finally reached. We believe that this Committee will approve by consensus the report on the Information Committee. Mr. Chairman, China is a founder of the United Nations and a permanent member of the Security Council. China has consistently adhered to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. We are highly appreciative of the UN role in the world affairs. The presence by Chinese President Hu Jintao at this year's summit has reflected China's attention and support to the UN and consolidated China-UN cooperation. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the UN, the Chinese Government, Chinese NGOs and media have carried out a wide spectrum of activities. More and more people in China come to realize that facing the numerous global threats and challenges, China needs UN, and the world also needs UN. I wish to take this opportunity to express our special thanks to the DPI for assisting the Chinese Mission to hold in this building "China-UN Photo Exhibition", and for providing us with valuable photos for the memorial album. We are also glad to see that the UN Radio, together with China National Radio, China Central Television and other Chinese partners, have produced many special programs for the 60th anniversary and the summit. The essay competition "the United Nations in my eyes" has also turned out to be a successful joint venture. In future, we are ready to further expand our links and exchanges with the UN and the DPI. We wish to work with all other parties in a tireless endeavor to reinforce the UN role and its positive public perception. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |