Statement by Head of Chinese Delegation Amb. Hu Xiaodi at the Thematic Debate of 1st Committee of UNGA 60th Session on Conventional Weapons |
2005-10-13 00:00 |
China is committed to properly addressing humanitarian issues in the arms control field. It maintains that while addressing humanitarian concerns, due consideration should be given to the legitimate military and security needs of sovereign states as well as economic and technological capacities of all countries. China earnestly fulfills its obligations under the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) and has been dedicated to enhancing its effectiveness and universality. China has always been deeply concerned about civilian casualties caused by inappropriate use of landmines, in particular anti-personnel landmines (APL). China supports appropriate and reasonable restrictions on the use of landmines, and has strictly implemented the provisions of the Amended Protocol on Landmines. China has taken an active part in the work of the Group of Governmental Experts(GGE) of States Parties to the CCW. We fully understand the humanitarian concerns caused by anti-vehicle landmines (AVL) and have all along taken a practical attitude in exploring proper solutions to the issue with other parties and to this end have put forward many constructive proposals. In the last GGE meeting held in August this year, we proposed a package solution to the AVL issue. We hope other parties would consider the Chinese package proposals in a serious and pragmatic manner and take the good opportunity to make progress in the relevant discussions. China fully understands and sympathizes with other countries' sufferings caused by landmines and has been actively engaged in, through various forms, international de-mining assistance and cooperation in recent years. This September, China started a de-mining assistance program in Thailand. We sent a group of experts to provide technical training to the Thai de-miners. For this program, we also donated de-mining equipment and materials to the Thai side. Mr. Chairman, Drastically combating illegal activities in the field of small arms and light weapons (SALW) is of great importance in maintaining regional peace, stability and development, fighting against terrorism and transnational organized crimes such as drug-trafficking and smuggling. The conclusion of the International Instrument on Identifying and Tracing of Illicit SALW is an important progress in the multilateral process of combating illicit SALW. China always supports and actively participates in the international efforts to solve the problem of illicit trade of SALW. In April this year, China hosted an international workshop on SALW in Beijing, which was co-sponsored by the UN, Japan and Switzerland. I am glad to inform you that the workshop was a great success. The Review Conference of the UN Program of Action (PoA) will be convened in 2006. We hope all countries will make best efforts to ensure positive results of the Conference, which will serve as new directions for the future multilateral efforts in the field of SALW. We take note of the fact that various parties have already laid out many ideas and initiatives for the 2006 review process. During the preparatory process which will start from early next year, as well as the Review Conference itself, all the countries can conduct in-depth study and debate on those ideas and initiatives. To ensure the authority and universality of the possible result of the 2006 Review Conference, consensus must continue to be regarded as an important rule. Since many countries have yet to make serious studies in certain new ideas and suggestions proposed by other countries or group of countries, the First Committee meetings for this year need not to draw any conclusion on these proposals, or in any way prejudge the outcome of the 2006 Review Conference, let alone put those immature ideas to vote. Otherwise, the voting result might very much likely to have negative impact to the review process next year. Mr. Chairman, Information security bears upon international peace and security as well as national economy and people's livelihood. Properly addressing the issue of information security for the benefit of maintaining international security and stability is in the interests of all countries. It is also the common responsibility of the international community. The fact that no substantial results were achieved this year by the UN Governmental Expert Group demonstrates the complexity of the issue and the need for further efforts to find a proper solution. China supports comprehensive and in-depth examination of the threats and challenges in the field of information security in the UN framework, with a view to formulating reasonable and feasible proposals to address the issue. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |