Statement by the Minister Counselor YAO Wenlong of the Chinese Delegation at 2nd Committee Under Item 54(a) to (d) on "Globalization and Interdependence" |
2005-10-27 00:00 |
The Chinese delegation associates itself with the statement made by the distinguished representative of Jamaica on behalf of the Group of 77 and China under this item. We would like to make the following supplementary observations. As a long development process in which human economic activities have transcended national and regional borders and have progressively become an integrated whole, globalization is both a trend in the world's economic development and the natural result of the advancement of productivity. It is a process that cannot be reversed by man's will. In the midst of such a powerful trend, no country can close its door and mind its own business. Counties have no choice but to integrate into it. Reform and market opening have opened the door to the world for every country, but at the same time have also brought about unprecedented pressure for the developing countries. It is obvious that globalization, if left unguided and unmanaged, would follow the "law of the jungles" which would leave the strong stronger and the weak weaker and would not bring its benefit to all in a fair manner. This is against the objective of the common development of mankind and sustainable development. Globalization renders countries of the world really interdependent and inseparable. Allowing market force to reign unchecked and polarization to accentuate are both morally unacceptable and practically unsustainable. Responding to the challenges and reaping the benefits equally of globalization require institutional and systemic support. The report of the Secretary General contains some analysis in this respect. Undoubtedly, sound and viable institutions both at national and global levels are vital for sustaining economic growth, regulate and adjust the process of globalization, and reconcile various interests. Only in this way can all countries coexist in and benefit from the globalization process. For individual countries, it's not easy to establish sound institutions. Particularly for the developing countries faced with a lot of pressing needs, it's easier said than done. In spite of this, we must not give up or slacken our efforts. Only by solving the more pressing problem of survival while at the same time building up our institutional capacity can we acquire the sustained capability to respond to the new situations and challenges of globalization. There are cases for building sound institutions as reference to countries, but there is no "one size fits all". A country must tailor its institutional forms to its specific conditions and special needs, and constantly fine-tune the approaches in light of the evolvement of the situation. A country can explore solutions suitable to itself while drawing on the experience of others. The international community should encourage and support efforts made by the developing countries in this regard and "promote the interface between national institutional systems" through "global interaction". At the international level, the biggest challenge in addressing institutional problems lies in the asymmetry in globalization. On the one hand, all developed countries are enjoying the dividends of globalization while the developing countries, on the other hand, are beset with problems like poverty, capital outflow, trade barriers and debt burden. Some countries have been further marginalized. The international community must promote a "pro-development globalization", through the reform of the global economic system and the establishment of an open, fair, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory multilateral trade and financial system. It is also necessary to establish a fairer set of rules of competition among unequal partners. What's more, effective measures must be taken to increase the voice and participation of developing countries in international economic affairs and in the decision-making process, so that they can take part, on an equal footing, in setting the "rules of the game". It should be noted that in recent years, some people suggested that globalization has gone overboard. Some developed countries did not hesitate to take protectionist measures in an attempt to stop the free flow of the products, service and labor on which the developing countries enjoy comparative advantages. It should be pointed out that no country can be immune from the challenges posed by globalization. As the major beneficiary of globalization, the developed countries have the duty to assist their traditional domestic industries and labor forces that are no longer competitive in finding a way out. Promoting liberalization only for those industries that have gained an edge and imposing high barriers to protect their sunset industries will entail high economic costs. It is also politically short-sighted. Such practice of double standard in the times of globalization harms the interest of not only others but also oneself. We hope politician of all countries will place the overall and long-term interests above everything else by demonstrating the courage to move globalization ahead in a comprehensive and balanced manner. Mr. Chairman, The Chinese delegation has carefully studied the report of the Secretary-General under the item of science and technology for development. We appreciate the work in the bio-tech field done by the various agencies of the UN system. Science and technology provide mankind with important instruments to leapfrog in development. We need technological innovation to solve the many problems we face, like poverty, diseases and environmental pollution. Science knows no boundaries, and scientific and technological cooperation is an important way to achieve innovations and promote their wide applications. In our view, the technological activities of various organs of the UN system should be strengthened, and the Committee on Science and Technology for Development must play its role in providing policy guidance. Focus should be put on addressing the concerns of the developing countries. At a time when all the countries are striving to achieve MDGs, we hope that through enhanced international cooperation, science and technology will play its due role. Mr.Chairman, Broadly speaking, migration has a positive impact on the economies of various countries. In order to maximize the positive effect of international migration on worldwide development, the international community should make efforts in the following areas: 1. All countries should formulate sound immigration policies in order to effectively utilize human resources. In the policy-making process, it is incumbent on governments to take into full consideration the characteristics of immigrants, effectively safeguard their political rights and economic and social rights and interests, and respect their religious beliefs and cultural practices. 2. The international community should strengthen international cooperation on the basis of "mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit". 3. Differences in geographical location, history, culture and level of development of various countries give rise to different reasons for migration. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further in-depth studies of this question, focusing on new phenomena and new issues. We hope that next year's GA high-level dialogue on international migration will offer an opportunity to have an in-depth discussion of the question of migration and development. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make some remarks on sub-item (d) of item 54 on "Preventing and combating corrupt practices and transfer of funds of illicit origin". The Chinese government maintains a firm position against corruption. Since China signed the UN Convention against Corruption in December, 2003, it has adopted a series of important policy measures, focusing especially on legislation and institution building, so that the fight against corruption and the advocacy of honesty can proceed on the track of rule of law. In January, 2005, China promulgated the Program of Implementation on the System of Corruption Prevention and Punishment through Sound Education, Regulation and Supervision, thus integrating the legislation work against corruption into the government's top of agenda. Corrupt practices have a devastating effect on a country's economic development and social order while transfer of illicitly acquired assets to foreign countries enables offenders to enjoy impunity and safe havens to continue to do harm to societies. China stands ready to strengthen cooperation with all countries in the fight against corruption, to actively explore possible channels for information collection and intelligence exchange, with a view to successfully combating corruption, recovering illicitly acquired assets transferred abroad, and creating a favorable environment for the economic and social development of all countries and for the advancement of human civilization. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |