Statement by Ambassador Hu Xiaodi at the 60th United Nations General Assembly on the Agenda Item of "Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency" |
2005-10-31 00:00 |
First of all, the Chinese Delegation would like to thank Mr. ElBaradei, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency"), for his detailed report on the work of the Agency in the past year. We note that, with the concerted efforts of the Secretariat and all member states, the Agency has undertaken considerable work in the past year and scored remarkable achievements. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Agency and the Director General once again on being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2005. It is our hope that with support of all member states the Agency will play an even more positive role in promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy and preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons. Mr. President, Over the last year, China, in furtherance to its commitment to promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy and preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons, two objectives enshrined in the Statute of the Agency, took an active part in various activities of the Agency. In the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, China has extensive cooperation with the Agency and other member states with fruitful results. In September 2004, China made, in addition to timely payment of its assessed technical-cooperation contribution, a voluntary donation of $1,000,000 in support of the Agency's technical-cooperation activities in Asia and Africa. In October 2004, China hosted, together with the Agency, an international conference on Nuclear Facilities Safety in Beijing, which addressed approaches to enhancing safety of nuclear facilities in light of the latest developments. On 7 April 2005, China and Bangladesh signed the China-Bangladesh Agreement on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. From 16 to 20 May 2005, the 13th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering was held in Beijing. Furthermore, the Fourth Minute of Meeting of China-France Nuclear Energy Guidance Committee and Coordination Committee was signed in Beijing on 19 May 2005. In the field of nuclear non-proliferation, China strongly supports the Agency in its efforts to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of its safeguards regime. In June 2004, China joined the Nuclear Suppliers Group. China welcomes the adoption of the relevant Amendments by consensus at the Conference to Consider and Adopt Proposed Amendments to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials from 4 to 8 July. China is committed to ratifying the amendments to the Convention as soon as possible. Following the White Paper China's Non-Proliferation Policy and Measures published in 2003, China issued a new White Paper entitled China's Endeavors for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation on 1 September this year, giving a comprehensive description of China's policies, positions and actions in the fields of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. It is a clear demonstration of China's resolve and sincerity on non-proliferation. Mr. President, I would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce China's position on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and the Iranian nuclear issue. At the 4th round of the Six-Party Talks concluded on 19 September, China, the DPRK, Japan, the ROK, Russia and the United States engaged in serious and practical discussions concerning the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Agreement was reached on the overarching goal of the Six-Party Talks and a Joint Statement was issued. The positive results achieved in this round of the Six-Party Talks have embodied the political will of the leaders and governments of the six countries to resolve the nuclear issue through dialogue. They are product of over two years' intensive negotiation and unremitting efforts. The achievement has not come by easily and must be treasured. At present, the parties concerned have reached agreement on the ultimate goal and basic principles of the Six-Party Talks, laying down a good foundation for pushing the talks forward. However, the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is complicated. A thorough solution will involve a difficult process. There is a long way for the Six-Party Talks to go and many difficulties still lie ahead. China will, as always, firmly support a peaceful resolution of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula through dialogue, promote the Six-Party Talks process and play its due role. We will continue working together with all parties concerned as well as international community at large for the ultimate realization of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and maintenance of peace and stability on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia. On the Iranian nuclear issue, China has all along advocated an early and appropriate solution within the framework of the Agency, and supported the pursuit by EU and Iran of a long-term solution through dialogue and negotiation. We believe such an approach and solution will be conducive to preserving the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the region. Developments since the Board of the Agency adopted the resolution in September have caused greater concern. Nevertheless, there is still room for the issue to be resolved within the framework of the Agency. International community should not give up efforts in this regard. It is imperative that the EU and Iran resume negotiation as soon as possible. We hope that both sides maintain patience, demonstrate flexibility and take initiatives to create conditions and atmosphere for the resumption of the negotiation. China will continue to make use of all available opportunities to actively promote negotiation, and play a constructive role toward the ultimate and appropriate resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue. Thank you, Mr. President. |