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Statement by Mr. Guan Jian, Counsellor and Legal Adviser of the Chinese Mission to the United Nations, at the Sixth Committee of the 60th Session of the UN General Assembly, on Item 79: Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the Work of its Thirty-Eighth Session

2005-10-03 21:25

New York, 3 October 2005

Mr. Chairman,

First of all, please allow me on behalf of the Chinese delegation to congratulate you on your election to the chairmanship of the Sixth Committee of the current session of the General Assembly. I am confident that with your renowned knowledge and capability, you will guide us successfully through the session. At the same time, I wish also to congratulate other members of the Bureau for their election. The Chinese delegation will as always extend to the Bureau our fullest cooperation.

Mr. Chairman, the current session of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) considered and adopted the Draft Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracting. The Chinese delegation extends its congratulations to UNICITRAL for this achievement. China has actively participated in the work of the Working Groups of UNCITRAL,and Chinese delegates of various backgrounds including judges, government officials, representatives of big enterprises and scholars attended all the thematic activities of UNCITRAL with a view to better disseminating the outcomes of UNCITRAL in China.

The membership of UNCITRAL comes from countries and regions with varying degrees of economic development and different legal regimes, and from a number of international organizations. This has benefited the work of UNCITRAL in that it makes its work forward-looking, authoritative, representative and highly important. The topics currently under discussion in the Commission are a reflection of the problems which have sprung up in large numbers in the area of international trade and to which an integrated and coordinated response is urgently required at the national and regional level. The Chinese delegation is satisfied with the results of the annual session and we commend UNCITRAL for its customary efficiency and the high quality of its work.

Mr. Chairman, in order to gain wider acknowledgement and acceptance for its conventions and model laws, UNCITRAL in its drafting work should heed more the views of all parties and take into consideration different situations of various countries. On the other hand, it should do a better job at raising public awareness about the legal instruments it has formulated. Here, we would like to suggest in particular that UNCITRAL strengthen its promoting and technical training in the developing countries so that the developing countries may better benefit from the work of UNCITRAL.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


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