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Statement by Minister Counselor WANG Hongbo the Delegation of the People's Republic of China at the 1st Regular Session of the Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS on Joint Financial, Budgetary and Administrative Matters

2013-01-31 23:43

Mr. President,

The Chinese delegation thanks UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF for the report entitled "Roadmap to the integrated budget: Joint UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF review on the impact of cost definitions and classification of activities on harmonized cost recovery rates".

Mr. President,

      The Chinese delegation has a positive assessment of the great efforts and progresses made in preparing the integrated budget and in harmonizing cost definitions, classification of activities and cost recovery rates. We support the adoption of a cost recovery framework with differentiated incentives. 


GA resolution 67/226 on QCPR sets forth the imperative of improving the financing of the UN development system by increasing the total volume of core resources and improving the quality of non-core resources while reiterating the principle of "full cost recovery".


The Chinese delegation hopes that UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF will, in keeping with the requests in the QCPR resolution, further study the implications on their funding activities resulting from the adoption of the recently-recommended cost recovery rates framework, to serve as reference for scientific decision-making by the Executive Boards. Additionally, the Chinese delegation believes that in connection with the cost recovery framework with differentiated incentives as recommended in the report, it is necessary to further study and define measures in supporting South-South cooperation projects in order to increase support for such cooperation.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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