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Statement by the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 68th General Assembly on Report of the Human Rights Council

2013-11-13 11:37

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation wishes to thank Ambassador Henczel, President of the Human Rights Council, for his presentation of the work of the Human Rights Council and express appreciation to Ambassador Henczel and other members of the bureau for their hard work over the past year. We also appreciate the leadership and diplomatic wisdom displayed by Ambassador Henczel in his work.

Over the past year, the Human Rights Council conducted deep-going discussions on important and urgent issues in the field of human rights, including mainstreaming of the right to development, protection of the rights of vulnerable groups such as women, children, and persons with disabilities, elimination of discrimination and technical cooperation in the field of human rights. The Universal Periodic Review mechanism continues to serve as an important platform for constructive dialogue and cooperation among countries in this field.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. This important program embodies some cardinal principles in the international human rights field, namely, all human rights are universal, indivisible, mutually dependent and interconnected; countries have the obligation to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms while due consideration should be given to their national and geographical characteristics and their respective historical, cultural and religious backgrounds; and promotion and protection of human rights must uphold the spirit of international cooperation and abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and norms governing international relations.

Guided by these principles, the Human Rights Council should firmly maintain its fairness, objectivity and non-selectivity, and respect the way to advance human rights independently chosen by the people of various countries on the basis of their specific national conditions. The Council should facilitate constructive dialogue and cooperation among all countries on the basis of equality and mutual respect and promote in a balanced manner civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development.

It is regrettable, however, that certain countries are keen to politicize the issue of human rights, engage in confrontation in the Human Rights Council and use human rights as an excuse to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, while turning a blind eye to their own human rights problems. Certain countries give varying treatment to different categories of human rights, refuse to take into consideration national conditions of other countries and the trajectory of human rights development, and try to impose their own model of human rights protection on others. Such practice is not conducive to the effective work of the Human Rights Council, nor is it helpful to the healthy development of the international human rights cause.

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese government attaches great importance to the promotion and protection of human rights and takes an active part in the work of the UN in the field of human rights while working relentlessly to promote human rights at home. Since the founding of the Human Rights Council, China has been actively engaged in the Council’s activities. Not long ago, China successfully received the second round of Universal Periodic Review. At the elections held yesterday at the General Assembly, China was elected at a member of the Council for 2014-2016. China wishes to thank member states for their trust and support and will, as always, participate in the work of the Council in a constructive spirit, and work with all other members of the Council to strive for the realization of the noble goal of human rights for all.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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