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Explanatory Remarks by Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, after Security Council Voting on Draft Resolution on Extension of Mandate of African Union Mission in Somalia

2014-10-24 05:33


Photo by Niu Xiaolei/Xinhua News Agency 

Madam President,

The Chinese delegation voted in favor of resolution 2182 (2014), which was just adopted by the Security Council. At the same time, I wish to emphasize two points.

First, China always maintains that, in its consultations on relevant resolutions, the Security Council must extensively listen to the views of all sides and effectively respect the legitimate demands of States and regional organizations concerned. Arab States had concerns on parts of the text of the draft resolution. In its prior consultations on the draft, the Security Council should have heeded those concerns and, through full consultations, tried to reach maximum consensus and garner the widest support.

Secondly, resolution 2182 (2014) clearly stipulates that the resolution shall not be regarded as establishing customary international law. Measures taken by States under the resolution should not affect flag States’ exclusive jurisdiction over their vessels on the high seas. Any inspection of such vessels needs the prior consent of the flag States concerned.

China maintains that resolution 2182 (2014) should be implemented fully and to the letter. In implementing the resolution, Member States should adhere to the principles of international law and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the flag States and countries concerned.

Thank you, Madam President.

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