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Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at Security Council Meeting on Kosovo

2010-07-06 22:54

Madam Chairperson,

I thank you for convening today's meeting. I welcome H.E. Mr. Boris Tadić, President of the Republic of Serbia, to the meeting. I thank Mr. Zannier, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for his briefing. I have also listened attentively to the statements made by Mr. de Kermabon and Mr. Hyseni.

(Photograph by Shen Hong/Xinhua News Agency)

A few days ago, an explosion blasted in northern Mitrovica, causing casualties. We condemn the terrorist violence and express our deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims. We hope parties concerned will work together to ensure stability in the area and protect the legal rights and interests of all ethnic groups. Parties concerned should immediately carry out investigation into the incident, bring the perpetrators to justice and avoid recurrence of similar incidents.

Madam Chairperson,

The situation in Kosovo is complicated and sensitive. It bears on peace and stability of the Balkan region and Europe as a whole. China's position on the Kosovo issue is clear and consistent. We respect and support maintenance of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, and support the commitment of the Serbian government and people to the goal of achieving lasting peace, stability and prosperity for the country. We are of the view that the best way to resolve the Kosovo issue is for the two sides to reach a mutually acceptable solution through negotiations. Unilateral action not only does no good to the settlement of the issue; on the contrary, it will only further complicate the situation and affect peace and stability in the region.

Security Council resolution 1244 continues to be the legal basis for the settlement of the Kosovo issue, and it should be implemented. We support UNMIK in continuing to fulfill its mandate as set out in Security Council resolution 1244. We hope UNMIK will turn its attention to the cause of the incident and take measures accordingly. Parties concerned should continue to support the work of UNMIK.

Thank you, Madam Chairperson.

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