Statement by Mr. QI Dahai, Chinese Delegate, at the Sixth Committee of the 59th Session of the UN General Assembly, on Item 147: Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization |
2004-10-07 20:00 |
New York, 7 October 2004 Mr. Chairman, I would like to make a few comments under this agenda item. After years of discussion of the question of assistance to third States adversely affected by the implementation of sanctions in the Special Committee, the Chinese Delegation believes that it is high time for progress to be made on this question. Given the profound and wide implications of sanctions and their likely adverse effects on third States, they must be applied with great prudence and their use should be minimized or limited to the extent possible. The United Nations should actively explore ways of assisting third States adversely affected by sanctions by, among other things, establishing funds and permanent consultative mechanisms. On the question of the basic conditions and standard criteria for sanctions, we believe that the revised working paper entitled “Declaration on the basic conditions and standard criteria for the introduction and implementation of sanctions and other coercive measures” (A/AC.182/L.114/Rev.1) submitted by the Russian Delegation is of positive significance and great relevance, for which the Chinese delegation would like to express its appreciation. We believe that the introduction of sanctions should follow strict criteria, and, more importantly, that they should be in conformity with the provisions of the UN Charter and the rules of international law, be resorted to only after the exhaustion of peaceful means and have a time frame. On the question of ways and means of improving the working methods and enhancing the efficiency of the Special Committee, we appreciate the initiatives made by a number of countries to this end. We believe that there is a need to strengthen the status and role of the Special Committee and enhance its efficiency. We advocate a pragmatic and consensus-based exploration, in the overall framework of UN reform, of ways of improving the Special Committee’s work and its efficiency. We will give careful consideration to all proposals in this regard. As to the present status of the Trusteeship Council and its future, our position remains unchanged. We still believe that this question should be properly addressed in a holistic manner in the overall context of strengthening of the role of the Organization and UN reform. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.