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Statement by Ambassador Zhang Yishan at the Security Council’s Open Briefing by Mr. James Morris, Executive Director of the World Food Programme

2005-07-01 00:00

China would like to thank Mr. Morris, Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), for his briefing. I would also like to thank him for his positive assessment of China’s poverty reduction strategy. Over the years, the World Food Programme has been committed to providing emergency food assistance to countries and peoples that have experienced disasters. Not only has it eased humanitarian crises in recipient countries, it has also helped to resolve armed conflicts in the countries and regions concerned. We express our appreciation and support in that regard.

For quite some time, food crises have troubled many African countries. We believe that poverty is the root cause of conflict. In turn, conflict exacerbates poverty. Eliminating poverty is a requirement for international peace, development and stability. And ending conflict is a prerequisite for eliminating poverty, guaranteeing food security and achieving sustainable development. Conflicts on the African continent have ebbed and flowed. That is directly related to the issue of food crises. The Security Council, as the body with the primary responsibility for international peace and security, should adequately recognize that issue when analysing the causes of African conflict. That will help us to find basic solutions to the problem We hope that today’s meeting will lead all sides to pay adequate attention to the impact of the African food crisis on peace and security in that region, as well as to take effective measures to help the African continent to eliminate hunger and poverty. That is the only way we can hope to genuinely achieve peace and stability in Africa.

Thank you.

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