Statement by Ambassador MA Zhaoxu at the Security Council Briefing on UNMIK

2018-02-07 06:00  Print

Mr. President,

China thanks Mr. Tanin, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Kosovo, for his briefing and welcomes the presence and statement of Mr. Dačić, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia. I have also listened carefully to the statement made by Ms. Çitaku.

Currently, the situation in the Kosovo region remains complex. Resolution 1244 (1999) provides an important legal basis for resolving the question of Kosovo. All parties should act in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and within the framework of relevant Security Council resolutions, and seek a solution that is acceptable to all through dialogue and negotiations. China respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. We understand Serbia’s legitimate concern on the question of Kosovo and commend its efforts to seek a political settlement.

China welcomes the continuation of high-level dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. We hope that the two sides will reaffirm their strong commitment to a political settlement, continue their dialogue in a pragmatic and constructive manner, implement existing agreements and gradually increase mutual trust so as to create more favourable conditions for finding a lasting solution that is acceptable to all parties concerned.

Tolerance, reconciliation and peaceful coexistence serve the fundamental interest of all ethnic communities in Kosovo and are necessary for achieving development. China hopes that the parties concerned will always put the well-being of their people first, protect the legitimate rights and interests of all communities in Kosovo, refrain from actions and rhetoric that might escalate the situation, and safeguard the peace, stability and development of the Balkans.

The sustained attention of the Security Council to the question of Kosovo is crucial for promoting its proper settlement. China supports the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), under the leadership of Special Representative Tanin, in implementing its mandate and cooperating constructively with all parties. We hope that UNMIK, the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX Kosovo) and the International Security Force in Kosovo (KFOR) will work in close collaboration and play a constructive role in improving the situation on the ground and achieving a proper settlement of the Kosovo issue.

Thank you, Mr. President.