Mr. President,
I wish to thank Russia for its initiative to hold this meeting. I also thank Under-Secretary-General Lowcock for his briefing.
Recently, the security situation in parts of Syria, including its capital Damascus and the Eastern Ghouta region has escalated, causing large civilian casualties and drawing wide attention from the international community. China would like to express its profound sympathy to the Syrian people for their sufferings. We condemn all acts of violence that target civilians and civilian facilities and hurt innocent lives.
China always insists that there is no military solution to the Syrian issue; it would only aggravate the suffering of the Syrian people. Political settlement is the only way out. The pressing task now is that the international community needs to support the Syrian parties in resuming dialogue and negotiation under the UN mediation as soon as possible, and seeking a solution accepted by all parties through the Syrian-owned and Syrian-led political process. It is the only way to fundamentally ease the humanitarian situation in Syria and rid the Syrian people of their sufferings at an early date. Terrorist organizations are still launching attacks in Syria, which have caused large civilian casualties and impeded humanitarian relief efforts of the UN. The international community should strengthen cooperation on counter-terrorism, adopt unified standard, and resolutely combat all terrorist organizations designated by the Security Council.
Mr. President,
As a part of the Syrian issue, the humanitarian issue in Syria is closely linked with Syria's overall situation and its political process. Actions taken by the Security Council on Syria's humanitarian issue should not only help ease the overall humanitarian situation in Syria, but also help consolidate the momentum of ceasefire in Syria, and be conducive to the bigger picture of political settlement of the Syria issue. China calls upon the Security Council to remain united on the Syrian issue, speak in one voice, and create favorable conditions for substantive progress in Syria's political process at an early date.
Thank you, Mr. President.