Statement by Ambassador MA Zhaoxu at the Security Council Briefing on Syria

2018-04-13 22:00  Print

Mr. President,

I thank Secretary-General Mr. Guterres for his briefing and highly appreciate the tireless efforts of Mr. Secretary-General on the issues of the Middle East and that of Syria.

At present, the situation in Syria is perilous. It is at the crossroads of war and peace. China is following the developments with great concern. The possibility of escalation of tensions worries us deeply. The pressing priority of the moment is to launch a comprehensive, objective and impartial investigation into the relevant incidents, in order to arrive at authoritative conclusions.

China has consistently stood in favor of peaceful settlement of disputes and opposed to the arbitrary use of force or threat of force in international relations. Unilaterally taking military actions by circumventing the Security Council is inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and runs counter to the international law and the basic norms governing international relations. Syria’s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity ought to be full respected. We call on the parties concerned to remain calm, exercise restraint, refrain from any move that may lead to further escalation of the situation, and solve the issue peacefully through consultation and dialogue.

China is convinced that there is no military solution to the Syrian issue. The only way out is a political settlement. China supports the UN in playing an active role in safeguarding the authority and standing of the United Nations and its Security Council. China calls on the international community to keep up its diplomatic efforts politically without wavering, stay the course to settle the Syria issue without wavering, give full play to role of the UN as the main mediator and settle the Syria issue comprehensively, justly and properly without delay, pursuant to the thrust of the relevant Security Council resolutions.

Mr. President,

The people of world yearn for peace. They oppose war. The situation in the Syria bears on peace and stability in the Middle East and the world at large. And it bears on the credibility and authority of the Security Council. At a crucial juncture such as this one, the Security Council should rightfully discharge its sacred responsibility enshrined in the UN Charter, act in line with the dictates of our times, build unity and consensus, and do its utmost to maintain peace, leave no stone unturned to avoid war and live up to the trust and expectations of the international community.

China is and has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order. China stands ready to continue our unflagging effort to safeguard peace and stability in the Middle East and the world at large, in the spirit of being responsible for history and being responsible for the people of the world.

I thank you, Mr. President.