Mr. President,
I thank Secretary-General Guterres for his briefing.
Yesterday, we were gathered here in this chamber for an open meeting on the situation in Syria, during which China made clear its position on the issue of Syria, expressed profound worry over the escalation of tensions in Syria, and made a clarion call for a political solution to the issue of Syria.
Here I’d like to restate the following. China has consistently stood for peaceful settlement of disputes and against the use of force in international relations. We advocate respect for the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of all countries. Any unilateral military actions that circumvent the Security Council contravene the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, violate the international law and the basic norms governing international relations, and would handicap the settlement of the Syrian issue with new compounding factors. We urge all parties concerned to refrain from any move that may lead to a further escalation of the situation, return to the framework of international law and solve the issue through dialogue and consultation.
China considers it necessary to mount a comprehensive, impartial and objective investigation of the suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria to arrive at a reliable conclusion that can withstand the test of history. Until that happens, no party must prejudge the result. Political settlement is the only way out for the Syrian issue. Relevant parties of the international community should continue to support the role of the United Nations as the main mediator, and work together unremittingly toward the political settlement of the issue of Syria.
China stands ready to continue its positive and constructive role in the effort toward the political settlement of the Syrian issue in the interest of peace and stability in the Middle East and the world at large.
I thank you, Mr. President.