Statement by Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu at Security Council Meeting on Non-Proliferation

2018-06-27 04:00  Print

Mr. President,

First of all, I thank Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo, Ambassador Van Oosterom and Ambassador Vale de Almeida for their briefings and to express my appreciation for their work.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear programme represents an important achievement of multilateralism and a success story in addressing international and regional hotspot issues through political and diplomatic means. It has played an important role in upholding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and promoting peace and stability in the Middle East. As such, it is generally welcomed by the international community.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported 11 times in a row that Iran has been implementing its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA. The coordination between the Security Council and the Procurement Channel is working as expected. The experience in the past three years has fully shown that the JCPOA is an effective agreement.

China commends the efforts of all the parties concerned to implement the JCPOA and expresses regret with regard to the withdrawal of the United States from the agreement. China calls on all parties to assume a responsible attitude, bear in mind the long-term and broader situation, commit to patiently engaging in dialogue and cooperation in order to preserve the seriousness and authority of the JCPOA, and resolve issues through dialogue and negotiation.

Mr. President,

The report of the Secretary-General (S/2018/602) is an important component of the implementation of resolution 2231 (2015) and the JCPOA. The report welcomes the commitment of the parties concerned to maintain the full implementation of the JCPOA and reflects Iran’s effort to implement the agreement in an objective manner, which China acknowledges. China has also noted that, in his report, the Secretary-General expressed his deep regret with regard to the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA. In the meantime, China believes that the report of the Secretary-General should reflect the implementation efforts in an objective, balanced and comprehensive manner, and take the legitimate concerns of Iran into consideration. The Secretariat should act in strict accordance with its mandates and functions. China appreciates the work done by Ambassador Van Oosterom and his team in his capacity as Facilitator of the implementation of resolution 2231 (2015). China has taken note of the report submitted by the Joint Commission to the Security Council on the work of the Procurement Working Group, and will continue to take an active part in the work of the Joint Commission and the Procurement Working Group. China consistently stands for the settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue through political and diplomatic means and is committed to the strengthening of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and the maintenance of international and regional peace and stability. China will objectively, impartially and responsibly maintain its dialogue with all parties concerned to continue to preserve and implement the JCPOA.

Thank you, Mr. President.