Mr. President,
On October 18, Bolivia, China, Russia and Equatorial Guinea sent a letter to the President of the Council (S/2018/938), expressing opposition to holding this Security Council meeting to hear a briefing from the Human Rights Council Fact-finding Mission on Myanmar.
The UN Charter clearly defines the responsibilities and division of labour of principal UN organs. The primary responsibility of the Security Council is to maintain international peace and security. It should not get involved with country specific human rights issues. Fact-finding Mission on Myanmar is a special mechanism of the Human Rights Council and does not have the mandate to brief the Security Council. Nor is there a precedent for the Security Council to receive a briefing from a country specific special mechanism of the Human Rights Council. By receiving a briefing from this Fact-finding Mission, the Security Council will encroach on the mandates of the GA and the HRC, violate the provisions in the UN Charter and weaken responsibilities and roles of various UN bodies, thus leading to grave negative consequences.
On the issue of Rakhine, the Security Council should play a constructive role. Any consideration by the Security Council should be beneficial to resolving this issue. Pushing for a briefing by the HRC Fact-finding Mission at the Security Council will disrupt and undermine the ongoing dialogue process. It does not help resolve the issue. Rather it will further complicate it and runs counter to the process of seeking a solution.
The above is the reason for our opposition to the meeting and the briefing.
Thank you, Mr. President.